Source to stand.att/open.c
* Copyright (c) 1982, 1988, 1993
* The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
* This module is believed to contain source code proprietary to AT&T.
* Use and redistribution is subject to the Berkeley Software License
* Agreement and your Software Agreement with AT&T (Western Electric).
* @(#)open.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 7/7/93
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/reboot.h>
#include <ufs/ufs/dir.h>
#include <stand.att/saio.h>
int firstopen;
u_int opendev; /* last device opened */
extern u_int bootdev;
struct dirstuff {
int loc;
struct iob *io;
char *name;
#ifndef SMALL
* XXX avoid stdio... its a long story.
#define isupper(c) ((c) >= 'A' && (c) <= 'Z')
#define tolower(c) ((c) - 'A' + 'a')
#define isspace(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t')
#define isdigit(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9')
static ino_t dlook __P((char *, struct iob *, char *));
static int find __P((char *, struct iob *));
static int getdev __P((char *, int));
static int getunit __P((char *));
static struct direct *readdir __P((struct dirstuff *));
static int openi __P((int, struct iob *));
open(str, how)
char *str;
int how;
static int firstopen = 1;
register struct iob *file;
register char *t;
register int cnt;
int fdesc, args[8], *argp;
if (firstopen) {
for (cnt = 0; cnt < SOPEN_MAX; cnt++)
iob[cnt].i_flgs = 0;
firstopen = 0;
for (fdesc = 0;; fdesc++) {
if (fdesc == SOPEN_MAX)
_stop("No more file slots");
if (iob[fdesc].i_flgs == 0) {
file = &iob[fdesc];
file->i_flgs |= F_ALLOC;
file->i_adapt = file->i_ctlr = file->i_unit =
file->i_part = 0;
for (cnt = 0; cnt < sizeof(args)/sizeof(args[0]); args[cnt++] = 0);
#ifndef SMALL
for (t = str; *t && *t != '/' && *t != ':' && *t != '('; ++t)
if (isupper(*t))
*t = tolower(*t);
switch(*t) {
case '(': /* type(adapt, ctlr, drive, partition)file */
if ((file->i_dev = getdev(str, t - str)) == -1)
goto bad;
for (argp = args + 4, cnt = 0; *t != ')'; ++cnt) {
for (++t; isspace(*t); ++t);
if (*t == ')')
if (!isdigit(*t))
goto badspec;
*argp++ = atoi(t);
for (++t; isdigit(*t); ++t);
if (*t != ',' && *t != ')' || cnt == 4)
goto badspec;
for (++t; isspace(*t); ++t);
argp -= 4;
file->i_adapt = *argp++;
file->i_ctlr = *argp++;
file->i_unit = *argp++;
file->i_part = *argp;
case ':': /* [A-Za-z]*[0-9]*[A-Za-z]:file */
for (t = str; *t != ':' && !isdigit(*t); ++t);
if ((file->i_dev = getdev(str, t - str)) == -1)
goto bad;
if ((file->i_unit = getunit(t)) == -1)
goto bad;
for (; isdigit(*t); ++t);
if (*t >= 'a' && *t <= 'h')
file->i_part = *t++ - 'a';
if (*t != ':') {
errno = EOFFSET;
goto badspec;
for (++t; isspace(*t); ++t);
case '/':
default: /* default bootstrap unit and device */
#endif /* SMALL */
file->i_dev = B_TYPE(bootdev);
file->i_adapt = B_ADAPTOR(bootdev);
file->i_ctlr = B_CONTROLLER(bootdev);
file->i_unit = B_UNIT(bootdev);
file->i_part = B_PARTITION(bootdev);
t = str;
opendev = MAKEBOOTDEV(file->i_dev, file->i_adapt, file->i_ctlr,
file->i_unit, file->i_part);
if (errno = devopen(file))
goto bad;
if (*t == '\0') {
file->i_flgs |= how + 1;
file->i_cc = 0;
file->i_offset = 0;
return (fdesc+3);
#ifndef SMALL
else if (how != 0) {
printf("Can't write files yet.. Sorry\n");
errno = EIO;
goto bad;
file->i_ma = (char *)(&file->i_fs);
file->i_cc = SBSIZE;
file->i_bn = SBOFF / DEV_BSIZE + file->i_boff;
file->i_offset = 0;
if (devread(file) < 0) {
errno = file->i_error;
printf("super block read error\n");
goto bad;
if ((cnt = find(t, file)) == 0) {
errno = ESRCH;
goto bad;
if (openi(cnt, file) < 0) {
errno = file->i_error;
goto bad;
file->i_offset = 0;
file->i_cc = 0;
file->i_flgs |= F_FILE | (how+1);
return (fdesc+3);
#ifndef SMALL
printf("malformed device specification\nusage: device(adaptor, controller, drive, partition)file -or- <device><unit><partitionletter>:<file>\n");
file->i_flgs = 0;
return (-1);
#ifndef SMALL
getdev(str, len)
register char *str;
int len;
register struct devsw *dp;
register int i;
char savedch = str[len];
str[len] = '\0';
for (dp = devsw, i = 0; i < ndevs; dp++, i++)
if (dp->dv_name && strcmp(str, dp->dv_name) == 0) {
str[len] = savedch;
return (i);
printf("Unknown device\nKnown devices are:\n");
for (dp = devsw, i = 0; i < ndevs; dp++, i++)
if (dp->dv_name)
printf(" %s", dp->dv_name);
errno = ENXIO;
return (-1);
register char *cp;
int unit;
unit = atoi(cp);
if ((u_int)unit > 255) {
printf("minor device number out of range (0-255)\n");
errno = EUNIT;
return (-1);
return (unit);
* XXX more stdio-avoidance.
char *cp;
int val = 0;
while (*cp >= '0' && *cp <= '9')
val = val * 10 + (*cp++ - '0');
return (val);
#endif /* SMALL */
find(path, file)
register char *path;
struct iob *file;
register char *q;
char *dir, c;
int n;
if (path == NULL || *path == '\0') {
printf("null path\n");
return (0);
if (openi((ino_t) ROOTINO, file) < 0) {
printf("can't read root inode\n");
return (0);
dir = path;
while (*path) {
while (*path == '/')
q = path;
while(*q != '/' && *q != '\0')
c = *q;
*q = '\0';
if (q == path) path = "." ; /* "/" means "/." */
if ((n = dlook(path, file, dir)) != 0) {
if (c == '\0')
if (openi(n, file) < 0)
return (0);
*q = c;
path = q;
} else {
printf("%s: not found\n", path);
return (0);
return (n);
static ino_t
dlook(s, io, dir)
char *s;
register struct iob *io;
char *dir;
register struct direct *dp;
register struct dinode *ip;
struct dirstuff dirp;
int len;
if (s == NULL || *s == '\0')
return (0);
ip = &io->i_ino;
if ((ip->di_mode&IFMT) != IFDIR) {
printf("%s: not a directory\n", dir);
return (0);
if (ip->di_size == 0) {
printf("%s: zero length directory\n", dir);
return (0);
len = strlen(s);
dirp.loc = 0; = io; = dir;
for (dp = readdir(&dirp); dp != NULL; dp = readdir(&dirp)) {
if(dp->d_ino == 0)
if (dp->d_namlen == len && !strcmp(s, dp->d_name))
return (dp->d_ino);
return (0);
static struct direct *
register struct dirstuff *dirp;
register struct direct *dp;
register struct iob *io;
daddr_t lbn, d;
int off;
io = dirp->io;
for(;;) {
if (dirp->loc >= io->i_ino.di_size)
return (NULL);
off = blkoff(&io->i_fs, dirp->loc);
if (off == 0) {
lbn = lblkno(&io->i_fs, dirp->loc);
d = bmap(io, lbn);
if(d == 0)
return (NULL);
io->i_bn = fsbtodb(&io->i_fs, d) + io->i_boff;
io->i_ma = io->i_buf;
io->i_cc = dblksize(&io->i_fs, &io->i_ino, lbn);
if (devread(io) < 0) {
errno = io->i_error;
printf("%s: directory read error, bn %ld\n",
dirp->name, io->i_bn);
return (NULL);
dp = (struct direct *)(io->i_buf + off);
dirp->loc += dp->d_reclen;
if (dp->d_ino == 0) {
if (dp->d_reclen == 0) {
printf("%s: bad directory entry, offset %ld\n",
dirp->name, dirp->loc);
return (NULL);
return (dp);
openi(n, io)
int n;
register struct iob *io;
register struct dinode *dp;
int cc;
io->i_offset = 0;
io->i_bn = fsbtodb(&io->i_fs, itod(&io->i_fs, n)) + io->i_boff;
io->i_cc = io->i_fs.fs_bsize;
io->i_ma = io->i_buf;
cc = devread(io);
dp = (struct dinode *)io->i_buf;
io->i_ino = dp[itoo(&io->i_fs, n)];
return (cc);