File:  [Net/2] / Net2 / net2.s2h
Revision (vendor branch): download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Apr 24 18:03:54 2018 UTC (6 years, 10 months ago) by root
Branches: MAIN, CSRG
CVS tags: Net2, HEAD

# Input description for the FreeBSD 2.1.0 source tree
# Place this file and all the .hdr files in a directory,
# cd into that directory, and say `src2html FreeBSD.s2h'.
set Formdir /cgi-bin
set Htmldir Net2
set Htmlroot /var/www/
set Newsrctree newsrc
set Srctree .
dir arch/i386/i386
dir arch/i386/conf
dir arch/i386/stand/libsa
dir arch/i386/stand/libsmsa
dir arch/i386/stand
dir arch/i386/include
dir arch/i386/isa/ic
dir arch/i386/isa
dir arch/i386
dir conf
dir stand
dir netiso/xebec
dir netiso
dir kern
dir sys
dir netccitt
dir netns
dir netrmp
dir vm
dir net
dir netimp
dir ufs
dir nfs
dir netinet