Source to src/p_maputl.c
// P_maputl.c
#include "DoomDef.h"
#include "P_local.h"
= P_AproxDistance
= Gives an estimation of distance (not exact)
fixed_t P_AproxDistance (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy)
dx = abs(dx);
dy = abs(dy);
if (dx < dy)
return dx+dy-(dx>>1);
return dx+dy-(dy>>1);
= P_PointOnLineSide
= Returns 0 or 1
int P_PointOnLineSide (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, line_t *line)
fixed_t dx,dy;
fixed_t left, right;
if (!line->dx)
if (x <= line->v1->x)
return line->dy > 0;
return line->dy < 0;
if (!line->dy)
if (y <= line->v1->y)
return line->dx < 0;
return line->dx > 0;
dx = (x - line->v1->x);
dy = (y - line->v1->y);
left = FixedMul ( line->dy>>FRACBITS , dx );
right = FixedMul ( dy , line->dx>>FRACBITS );
if (right < left)
return 0; // front side
return 1; // back side
= P_BoxOnLineSide
= Considers the line to be infinite
= Returns side 0 or 1, -1 if box crosses the line
int P_BoxOnLineSide (fixed_t *tmbox, line_t *ld)
int p1, p2;
switch (ld->slopetype)
p1 = tmbox[BOXTOP] > ld->v1->y;
p2 = tmbox[BOXBOTTOM] > ld->v1->y;
if (ld->dx < 0)
p1 ^= 1;
p2 ^= 1;
p1 = tmbox[BOXRIGHT] < ld->v1->x;
p2 = tmbox[BOXLEFT] < ld->v1->x;
if (ld->dy < 0)
p1 ^= 1;
p2 ^= 1;
p1 = P_PointOnLineSide (tmbox[BOXLEFT], tmbox[BOXTOP], ld);
p2 = P_PointOnLineSide (tmbox[BOXRIGHT], tmbox[BOXBOTTOM], ld);
p1 = P_PointOnLineSide (tmbox[BOXRIGHT], tmbox[BOXTOP], ld);
p2 = P_PointOnLineSide (tmbox[BOXLEFT], tmbox[BOXBOTTOM], ld);
if (p1 == p2)
return p1;
return -1;
= P_PointOnDivlineSide
= Returns 0 or 1
int P_PointOnDivlineSide (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, divline_t *line)
fixed_t dx,dy;
fixed_t left, right;
if (!line->dx)
if (x <= line->x)
return line->dy > 0;
return line->dy < 0;
if (!line->dy)
if (y <= line->y)
return line->dx < 0;
return line->dx > 0;
dx = (x - line->x);
dy = (y - line->y);
// try to quickly decide by looking at sign bits
if ( (line->dy ^ line->dx ^ dx ^ dy)&0x80000000 )
if ( (line->dy ^ dx) & 0x80000000 )
return 1; // (left is negative)
return 0;
left = FixedMul ( line->dy>>8, dx>>8 );
right = FixedMul ( dy>>8 , line->dx>>8 );
if (right < left)
return 0; // front side
return 1; // back side
= P_MakeDivline
void P_MakeDivline (line_t *li, divline_t *dl)
dl->x = li->v1->x;
dl->y = li->v1->y;
dl->dx = li->dx;
dl->dy = li->dy;
= P_InterceptVector
= Returns the fractional intercept point along the first divline
= This is only called by the addthings and addlines traversers
fixed_t P_InterceptVector (divline_t *v2, divline_t *v1)
#if 1
fixed_t frac, num, den;
den = FixedMul (v1->dy>>8,v2->dx) - FixedMul(v1->dx>>8,v2->dy);
if (den == 0)
return 0;
// I_Error ("P_InterceptVector: parallel");
num = FixedMul ( (v1->x - v2->x)>>8 ,v1->dy) +
FixedMul ( (v2->y - v1->y)>>8 , v1->dx);
frac = FixedDiv (num , den);
return frac;
float frac, num, den, v1x,v1y,v1dx,v1dy,v2x,v2y,v2dx,v2dy;
v1x = (float)v1->x/FRACUNIT;
v1y = (float)v1->y/FRACUNIT;
v1dx = (float)v1->dx/FRACUNIT;
v1dy = (float)v1->dy/FRACUNIT;
v2x = (float)v2->x/FRACUNIT;
v2y = (float)v2->y/FRACUNIT;
v2dx = (float)v2->dx/FRACUNIT;
v2dy = (float)v2->dy/FRACUNIT;
den = v1dy*v2dx - v1dx*v2dy;
if (den == 0)
return 0; // parallel
num = (v1x - v2x)*v1dy + (v2y - v1y)*v1dx;
frac = num / den;
return frac*FRACUNIT;
= P_LineOpening
= Sets opentop and openbottom to the window through a two sided line
= OPTIMIZE: keep this precalculated
fixed_t opentop, openbottom, openrange;
fixed_t lowfloor;
void P_LineOpening (line_t *linedef)
sector_t *front, *back;
if (linedef->sidenum[1] == -1)
{ // single sided line
openrange = 0;
front = linedef->frontsector;
back = linedef->backsector;
if (front->ceilingheight < back->ceilingheight)
opentop = front->ceilingheight;
opentop = back->ceilingheight;
if (front->floorheight > back->floorheight)
openbottom = front->floorheight;
lowfloor = back->floorheight;
openbottom = back->floorheight;
lowfloor = front->floorheight;
openrange = opentop - openbottom;
= P_UnsetThingPosition
= Unlinks a thing from block map and sectors
void P_UnsetThingPosition (mobj_t *thing)
int blockx, blocky;
if ( ! (thing->flags & MF_NOSECTOR) )
{ // inert things don't need to be in blockmap
// unlink from subsector
if (thing->snext)
thing->snext->sprev = thing->sprev;
if (thing->sprev)
thing->sprev->snext = thing->snext;
thing->subsector->sector->thinglist = thing->snext;
if ( ! (thing->flags & MF_NOBLOCKMAP) )
{ // inert things don't need to be in blockmap
// unlink from block map
if (thing->bnext)
thing->bnext->bprev = thing->bprev;
if (thing->bprev)
thing->bprev->bnext = thing->bnext;
blockx = (thing->x - bmaporgx)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
blocky = (thing->y - bmaporgy)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
if (blockx>=0 && blockx < bmapwidth
&& blocky>=0 && blocky <bmapheight)
blocklinks[blocky*bmapwidth+blockx] = thing->bnext;
= P_SetThingPosition
= Links a thing into both a block and a subsector based on it's x y
= Sets thing->subsector properly
void P_SetThingPosition (mobj_t *thing)
subsector_t *ss;
sector_t *sec;
int blockx, blocky;
mobj_t **link;
// link into subsector
ss = R_PointInSubsector (thing->x,thing->y);
thing->subsector = ss;
if ( ! (thing->flags & MF_NOSECTOR) )
{ // invisible things don't go into the sector links
sec = ss->sector;
thing->sprev = NULL;
thing->snext = sec->thinglist;
if (sec->thinglist)
sec->thinglist->sprev = thing;
sec->thinglist = thing;
// link into blockmap
if ( ! (thing->flags & MF_NOBLOCKMAP) )
{ // inert things don't need to be in blockmap
blockx = (thing->x - bmaporgx)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
blocky = (thing->y - bmaporgy)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
if (blockx>=0 && blockx < bmapwidth && blocky>=0 && blocky <bmapheight)
link = &blocklinks[blocky*bmapwidth+blockx];
thing->bprev = NULL;
thing->bnext = *link;
if (*link)
(*link)->bprev = thing;
*link = thing;
{ // thing is off the map
thing->bnext = thing->bprev = NULL;
For each line/thing in the given mapblock, call the passed function.
If the function returns false, exit with false without checking anything else.
= P_BlockLinesIterator
= The validcount flags are used to avoid checking lines
= that are marked in multiple mapblocks, so increment validcount before
= the first call to P_BlockLinesIterator, then make one or more calls to it
boolean P_BlockLinesIterator (int x, int y, boolean(*func)(line_t*) )
int offset;
short *list;
line_t *ld;
if (x<0 || y<0 || x>=bmapwidth || y>=bmapheight)
return true;
offset = y*bmapwidth+x;
offset = *(blockmap+offset);
for ( list = blockmaplump+offset ; *list != -1 ; list++)
ld = &lines[*list];
if (ld->validcount == validcount)
continue; // line has already been checked
ld->validcount = validcount;
if ( !func(ld) )
return false;
return true; // everything was checked
= P_BlockThingsIterator
boolean P_BlockThingsIterator (int x, int y, boolean(*func)(mobj_t*) )
mobj_t *mobj;
if (x<0 || y<0 || x>=bmapwidth || y>=bmapheight)
return true;
for (mobj = blocklinks[y*bmapwidth+x] ; mobj ; mobj = mobj->bnext)
if (!func( mobj ) )
return false;
return true;
intercept_t intercepts[MAXINTERCEPTS], *intercept_p;
divline_t trace;
boolean earlyout;
int ptflags;
= PIT_AddLineIntercepts
= Looks for lines in the given block that intercept the given trace
= to add to the intercepts list
= A line is crossed if its endpoints are on opposite sides of the trace
= Returns true if earlyout and a solid line hit
boolean PIT_AddLineIntercepts (line_t *ld)
int s1, s2;
fixed_t frac;
divline_t dl;
// avoid precision problems with two routines
if ( trace.dx > FRACUNIT*16 || trace.dy > FRACUNIT*16
|| trace.dx < -FRACUNIT*16 || trace.dy < -FRACUNIT*16)
s1 = P_PointOnDivlineSide (ld->v1->x, ld->v1->y, &trace);
s2 = P_PointOnDivlineSide (ld->v2->x, ld->v2->y, &trace);
s1 = P_PointOnLineSide (trace.x, trace.y, ld);
s2 = P_PointOnLineSide (trace.x+trace.dx, trace.y+trace.dy, ld);
if (s1 == s2)
return true; // line isn't crossed
// hit the line
P_MakeDivline (ld, &dl);
frac = P_InterceptVector (&trace, &dl);
if (frac < 0)
return true; // behind source
// try to early out the check
if (earlyout && frac < FRACUNIT && !ld->backsector)
return false; // stop checking
intercept_p->frac = frac;
intercept_p->isaline = true;
intercept_p->d.line = ld;
return true; // continue
= PIT_AddThingIntercepts
boolean PIT_AddThingIntercepts (mobj_t *thing)
fixed_t x1,y1, x2,y2;
int s1, s2;
boolean tracepositive;
divline_t dl;
fixed_t frac;
tracepositive = (trace.dx ^ trace.dy)>0;
// check a corner to corner crossection for hit
if (tracepositive)
x1 = thing->x - thing->radius;
y1 = thing->y + thing->radius;
x2 = thing->x + thing->radius;
y2 = thing->y - thing->radius;
x1 = thing->x - thing->radius;
y1 = thing->y - thing->radius;
x2 = thing->x + thing->radius;
y2 = thing->y + thing->radius;
s1 = P_PointOnDivlineSide (x1, y1, &trace);
s2 = P_PointOnDivlineSide (x2, y2, &trace);
if (s1 == s2)
return true; // line isn't crossed
dl.x = x1;
dl.y = y1;
dl.dx = x2-x1;
dl.dy = y2-y1;
frac = P_InterceptVector (&trace, &dl);
if (frac < 0)
return true; // behind source
intercept_p->frac = frac;
intercept_p->isaline = false;
intercept_p->d.thing = thing;
return true; // keep going
= P_TraverseIntercepts
= Returns true if the traverser function returns true for all lines
boolean P_TraverseIntercepts ( traverser_t func, fixed_t maxfrac )
int count;
fixed_t dist;
intercept_t *scan, *in;
count = intercept_p - intercepts;
in = 0; // shut up compiler warning
while (count--)
dist = MAXINT;
for (scan = intercepts ; scan<intercept_p ; scan++)
if (scan->frac < dist)
dist = scan->frac;
in = scan;
if (dist > maxfrac)
return true; // checked everything in range
#if 0
{ // don't check these yet, ther may be others inserted
in = scan = intercepts;
for ( scan = intercepts ; scan<intercept_p ; scan++)
if (scan->frac > maxfrac)
*in++ = *scan;
intercept_p = in;
return false;
if ( !func (in) )
return false; // don't bother going farther
in->frac = MAXINT;
return true; // everything was traversed
= P_PathTraverse
= Traces a line from x1,y1 to x2,y2, calling the traverser function for each
= Returns true if the traverser function returns true for all lines
boolean P_PathTraverse (fixed_t x1, fixed_t y1, fixed_t x2, fixed_t y2,
int flags, boolean (*trav) (intercept_t *))
fixed_t xt1,yt1,xt2,yt2;
fixed_t xstep,ystep;
fixed_t partial;
fixed_t xintercept, yintercept;
int mapx, mapy, mapxstep, mapystep;
int count;
earlyout = flags & PT_EARLYOUT;
intercept_p = intercepts;
if ( ((x1-bmaporgx)&(MAPBLOCKSIZE-1)) == 0)
x1 += FRACUNIT; // don't side exactly on a line
if ( ((y1-bmaporgy)&(MAPBLOCKSIZE-1)) == 0)
y1 += FRACUNIT; // don't side exactly on a line
trace.x = x1;
trace.y = y1;
trace.dx = x2 - x1;
trace.dy = y2 - y1;
x1 -= bmaporgx;
y1 -= bmaporgy;
x2 -= bmaporgx;
y2 -= bmaporgy;
if (xt2 > xt1)
mapxstep = 1;
partial = FRACUNIT - ((x1>>MAPBTOFRAC)&(FRACUNIT-1));
ystep = FixedDiv (y2-y1,abs(x2-x1));
else if (xt2 < xt1)
mapxstep = -1;
partial = (x1>>MAPBTOFRAC)&(FRACUNIT-1);
ystep = FixedDiv (y2-y1,abs(x2-x1));
mapxstep = 0;
partial = FRACUNIT;
ystep = 256*FRACUNIT;
yintercept = (y1>>MAPBTOFRAC) + FixedMul (partial, ystep);
if (yt2 > yt1)
mapystep = 1;
partial = FRACUNIT - ((y1>>MAPBTOFRAC)&(FRACUNIT-1));
xstep = FixedDiv (x2-x1,abs(y2-y1));
else if (yt2 < yt1)
mapystep = -1;
partial = (y1>>MAPBTOFRAC)&(FRACUNIT-1);
xstep = FixedDiv (x2-x1,abs(y2-y1));
mapystep = 0;
partial = FRACUNIT;
xstep = 256*FRACUNIT;
xintercept = (x1>>MAPBTOFRAC) + FixedMul (partial, xstep);
// step through map blocks
// Count is present to prevent a round off error from skipping the break
mapx = xt1;
mapy = yt1;
for (count = 0 ; count < 64 ; count++)
if (flags & PT_ADDLINES)
if (!P_BlockLinesIterator (mapx, mapy,PIT_AddLineIntercepts))
return false; // early out
if (flags & PT_ADDTHINGS)
if (!P_BlockThingsIterator (mapx, mapy,PIT_AddThingIntercepts))
return false; // early out
if (mapx == xt2 && mapy == yt2)
if ( (yintercept >> FRACBITS) == mapy)
yintercept += ystep;
mapx += mapxstep;
else if ( (xintercept >> FRACBITS) == mapx)
xintercept += xstep;
mapy += mapystep;
// go through the sorted list
return P_TraverseIntercepts ( trav, FRACUNIT );