Source to src/decomp.gas
.dc.l codeend - _decomp_start
.org $f03100
S_LE .ccdef $14 ; PL
U_LE .ccdef $04 ; CC
S_GT .ccdef $18 ; MI
U_GT .ccdef $08 ; CS
S_LT .ccdef $15 ; PL+NE
U_LT .ccdef $05 ; CC+NE
FP .equr r14
scratch .equr r10
scratch2 .equr r11
MATH_A .equr r27
MATH_B .equr r26
MATH_C .equr r25
MATH_RTS .equr r24
MATH_SIGN .equr r23
; unsigned char *decomp_input;
; unsigned char *decomp_output;
.extern _decomp_input, _decomp_output
getidbyte .equr r4
idbyte .equr r5
ptr_input .equr r6
ptr_output .equr r7
pos .equr r8
ptr_source .equr r9
len .equr r10
lbl_main .equr r11
const_f .equr r12
; decompress an lzss-compressed lump
; Initialize vairables
movei #_decomp_input,ptr_input
load (ptr_input),ptr_input
movei #_decomp_output,ptr_output
load (ptr_output),ptr_output
movei #W_RL_main, lbl_main
moveq #$f,const_f
; getidbyte = 0
moveq #1, getidbyte
; Main decompression loop
subq #1,getidbyte
jr EQ,w_loadidbyte
; test low bit of idbyte
btst #0, idbyte ; a harmless delay slot
jr NE, W_RL_uncompress
shrq #1, idbyte ; delay slot
; copy one character
loadb (ptr_input), r0
addq #1, ptr_input
storeb r0, (ptr_output)
addq #1, ptr_output
jump T, (lbl_main)
subq #1,getidbyte ; delay slot
; load idbyte and reset getidbyte
loadb (ptr_input), idbyte
addq #1, ptr_input
jr T,W_RL_testidbyte
moveq #8,getidbyte ; delay slot
; get the position offset
loadb (ptr_input), r0
addq #1, ptr_input
shlq #4, r0
loadb (ptr_input), pos
shrq #4, pos
or r0, pos
; add position offset to the output and store in ptr_source
addq #1,pos
move ptr_output, ptr_source
sub pos, ptr_source
; get the length
loadb (ptr_input), len
and const_f, len
jump EQ, (RETURNPOINT) ; if byte & 0xf == 0, done
addq #1, ptr_input
loadb (ptr_source), r0
addq #1, ptr_source
storeb r0, (ptr_output)
subq #1, len
addqt #1, ptr_output
jr PL, W_RL_copyloop
loadb (ptr_source), r0 ; delay slot
jump T, (lbl_main)
subq #1,getidbyte ; delay slot