Source to src/eeprom.gas
; *
; EEPROM Write & Read Primitives *
; *
; Hi-Score on-board-cartridge EEPROM primitives
; for use by Jaguar game cartridge developers.
; 128 bytes (accessable as 64 words) of non-volatile
; memory are available on Jaguar game cartridges to
; preserve Hi-scores or other game status.
; Data is retained for up to 10 years, and a minimum
; of 10,000 read/write cycles is assured, according to
; product literature.
; Programmer: Dave Staugas
; Atari, Sunnyvale
; [408] 745-8802
; Last Update: 24-Sept-93
; Equates needed that may already be defined in the JAGUAR.INC file..
JOY1 equ $f14000 ;this we'll use as our I/O base address
GPIO_0 equ $f14800 ;General purpose I/O #0
GPIO_1 equ $f15000 ;General purpose I/O #1
; Equates derived from the above
; to allow indirect with 16-bit displacement addressing
GPIO_0of equ GPIO_0-JOY1 ;offset to GPIO_0 (when addr reg Ax -> JOY1)
GPIO_1of equ GPIO_1-JOY1 ;offset to GPIO_1 (when addr reg Ax -> JOY1)
; Commands specific to the National Semiconductor NM93C14
; 9-bit commands..
; 876543210
eREAD equ %110000000 ;read from EEPROM
eEWEN equ %100110000 ;Erase/write Enable
eWRITE equ %101000000 ;Write selected register
eEWDS equ %100000000 ;Erase/Write disable (default)
; DO (data out) - is read on bit0 of JOY1
; DI (data in) - is written on bit0 of GPIO_0
; CS (chip select) - is pulsed low by any access to GPIO_1
; Write a word to EEPROM
; entry: d0.w = data to be written
; d1.w = least signifigant 6 bits specify write address (0-63)
; exit: all preserved
movem.l a0/d0-d4,-(sp)
move.l 28(sp),d0 ; get data from stack (JDC)
move.l 32(sp),d1 ; get address from stack (JDC)
lea JOY1,a0 ;set ptr to EEPROM i/o addresses
tst.w GPIO_1of(a0) ;strobe ChipSelect
move.w #eEWEN,d2 ;erase/write enable command
bsr out9bits ;send it to EEPROM
tst.w GPIO_1of(a0) ;strobe ChipSelect
andi.w #$3f,d1 ;force write addr to be legit (0-63)
ori.w #eWRITE,d1 ;form WRITE command
move.w d1,d2
bsr out9bits ;send it to EEPROM
move.w d0,d2 ;get 16-bit data word to send
bsr out16bit ; & send it
tst.w GPIO_1of(a0) ;strobe ChipSelect
nop ;1 us required after CS for status valid
move.w #1,d2
move.w #$2000,d4
move.w (a0),d3 ;wait until write is complete
sub.w #1,d4 ; don't stay in here forever
beq badwrite ; didn't work
and.w d2,d3
beq wrwait
move.w #eEWDS,d2 ;get erase/write disable command
bsr out9bits ;send it
tst.w GPIO_1of(a0) ;strobe ChipSelect
movem.l (sp)+,a0/d0-d4
move.l #1,d0 ; ok write
rts ;we're done
movem.l (sp)+,a0/d0-d4
move.l #0,d0 ; bad write
; Read a word from EEPROM
; entry: d1.w = least signifigant 6 bits specify read address (0-63)
; exit: d0.w = data as read from EEPROM
; all other registers preserved
movem.l a0/d1-d4,-(sp)
move.l 24(sp),d1 ; get address off the stack (JDC)
lea JOY1,a0 ;set ptr to EEPROM i/o address
tst.w GPIO_1of(a0) ;strobe ChipSelect
andi.w #$3f,d1 ;force legit read addr
ori.w #eREAD,d1
move.w d1,d2
bsr out9bits
moveq #0,d0
moveq #15,d3 ;pick up 17 bits (1st is dummy)
tst.w GPIO_0of(a0)
move.w (a0),d1
lsr.w #1,d1
addx.w d0,d0
dbra d3,inlp
movem.l (sp)+,a0/d1-d4
; Subordinate Routines needed by "eewrite"
; Serial data sent to device is written to DI, bit0 of GPIO_0
; entry:
; a0 -> JOY1
; d2.w = 16-bit data word to write
; exit:
; d2.w, d3.l destroyed
rol.w #1,d2 ;align 1st serial data bit (bit15) to bit0
moveq #15,d3 ;send 16 bits
bra.s out9lp
; entry:
; a0 -> JOY1
; d2.w = 9-bit command to write
rol.w #8,d2 ;align 1st serial data bit (bit8) to bit0
moveq #8,d3 ;send 9
move.w d2,GPIO_0of(a0) ;write next bit
nop ;delay next write
rol.w #1,d2 ;adjust bit0 for next datum
dbra d3,out9lp ;go for all 9 or all 16