Source to src/init.s
.include "/home/scott/Jaguar/include/"
.extern _Jag68k_main
.extern _readylist_p
.extern _displaylist_p
.extern _isrvmode
.extern _joystick1
.extern _ticcount
.extern _joypad
;/* Run the GPU/BLIT interface in CORRECT mode ALWAYS */
move.l #$00070007,G_END
move.l #$00050005,D_END
;/* At this point we dont know what state the video is in */
;/* It may be active or not and may be using an interrupt or not */
;/* Since we may not turn video off we use the following procedure */
;/* Disable VI by setting to a VERY large number. */
;/* The existing screen will fail to be refreshed so all bit maps vanish */
;/* Set up an object list consisting of a stop object. */
;/* Clear the spot the screen will be */
;/* Set up the desired object list */
;/* Set up an interrupt and start */
;/* Set up the size of borders */
;/* Set VMODE to the desired resolution and color model */
move.l ENDRAM,a7 ;/* Put the stack at the top of DRAM */
move.w #$FFFF,VI ;/* Guarantee NO VI interrupts */
;/* point the object processor at a stop object until told otherwise */
move.l #_stopobj,d5
swap d5
move.l d5,OLP
jsr IntInit
jsr VideoIni
;/* move.w #0x8C1,VMODE // Set 16 bit CRY;/* 256 overscanned */
;move.w #0xC1+(7<<9),VMODE ;/* Set 16 bit CRY;/* 160 overscanned */
move.w #$EC1,VMODE ;/* Set 16 bit CRY;/* 160 overscanned */
jmp _Jag68k_main
_listbuffer: ds.l 40
_listbuffer1: ds.l 40
_listbuffer2: ds.l 40
_stopobj: ds.l 2
.globl _listbuffer,_listbuffer1,_listbuffer2,_stopobj
;/*========================================================================= */
;/* vdinit.s */
;/*========================================================================= */
;/* The size of the horizontal and vertical active areas */
;/* are based on a given center position and then built */
;/* as offsets of half the size off of these. */
;/* In the horizontal direction this needs to take into */
;/* account the variable resolution that is possible. */
ntsc_width = 1409
ntsc_hmid = 823
ntsc_height = 241
ntsc_vmid = 266
pal_width = 1381
pal_hmid = 843
pal_height = 287
pal_vmid = 322
;/* Check if NTSC or PAL */
;/* For now assume NTSC */
movem.l d0-d6,-(sp)
move.w CONFIG,d0
and.w #$10,d0
beq ispal
move.w #ntsc_hmid,d2
move.w #ntsc_width,d0
move.w #ntsc_vmid,d6
move.w #ntsc_height,d4
bra doit
move.w #pal_hmid,d2
move.w #pal_width,d0
move.w #pal_vmid,d6
move.w #pal_height,d4
move.w d0,_video_width
move.w d4,_video_height
move.w d0,d1
asr.l #1,d1 ;/* Max width/2 */
sub.w d1,d2 ;/* middle-width/2 */
add.w #4,d2 ;/* (middle-width/2)+4 */
sub.w #1,d1 ;/* Width/2-1 */
or.w #$400,d1 ;/* (Width/2-1)+0x400 */
move.w d1,_a_hde
move.w d1,HDE
move.w d2,_a_hdb
move.w d2,HDB1
move.w d2,HDB2
move.w d6,d5
sub.w d4,d5 ;/* already in half lines */
move.w d5,_a_vdb
add.w d4,d6
move.w d6,_a_vde
move.w _a_vdb,VDB
move.w #$FFFF,VDE
;/* Also lets set up some default colors */
move.w #0,BG
move.l #0,BORD1
;/* move.w #$f0ff,BG */
;/* move.l #$ffffffff,BORD1 */
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d6
_video_height: .ds.w 1
_a_vdb: .ds.w 1
_a_vde: .ds.w 1
_video_width: .ds.w 1
_a_hdb: .ds.w 1
_a_hde: .ds.w 1
.globl _video_height, _video_width, _a_vdb, _a_vde, _a_hdb, _a_hde
;/*========================================================================== */
;= CopyObjList
move.w #0,$f00026 ;/* restart object processor, just in case */
;/* point the object processor at a stop object until copy is done */
move.l #_stopobj,d5
swap d5
move.l d5,OLP
move.l _readylist_p,a0
cmp.l _readylist_p,a0 ;/* make sure its the entire word */
bne reread
move.l a0,_displaylist_p ;/* let the program know this is being used */
move.l #_listbuffer,a1 ;/* copy to here */
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+
;/* start the object processor at the newly copied list */
move.l #_listbuffer,d5
swap d5
move.l d5,OLP
;/*========================================================================= */
;/* intserv.s */
;/*========================================================================= */
enabled_ints: .long 0 ;/* The IRQ-enabled bits in INT1 */
;USER0 = 4*0x40
;/* This will set up the VI (Vertical line counter Interrupt) */
;/* and the PIT interrupt handler */
move.l #Frame,USER0 ;/* Set up the vector */
move.w _a_vde,d0
or.w #1,d0
move.w d0,VI ;/* Get the maximum VBLANK time */
move.w #1, enabled_ints
move.w #1, INT1
move.w sr,d0
and.w #$f8ff,d0 ;/* Lower the 68K IPL */
move.w d0,sr
;/*======================================================================== */
;/* */
;/* */
;/*======================================================================== */
_bogusvmode: .long 0
link a6, #0
movem.l d0-d5/a0-a5,-(sp)
;/*move.w #0xC1+(7<<9),VMODE ;/* Set 16 bit CRY/* 160 overscanned */
jsr _CopyObjList
move.l _isrvmode,d0 ;/* set VMODE for top part of screen */
move.w d0,VMODE ;/* can be reset by GPU interrupt */
;/* */
;/* This monsterous ugly code lifted almost directly from demo.s which */
;/* came with the jaguar development code examples. */
;/* */
;/* read player 1 joypad */
move.l #$f0fffffc,d1 ;/* d1 = Joypad data mask */
moveq.l #-1,d2 ;/* d2 = Cumulative joypad reading */
move.w #$81fe,JOYSTICK
move.l JOYSTICK,d0 ;/* Read joypad, pause button, A button */
or.l d1,d0 ;/* Mask off unused bits */
ror.l #4,d0
and.l d0,d2 ;/* d2 = xxAPxxxx RLDUxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx */
move.w #$81fd,JOYSTICK
move.l JOYSTICK,d0 ;/* Read *741 keys, B button */
or.l d1,d0 ;/* Mask off unused bits */
ror.l #8,d0
and.l d0,d2 ;/* d2 = xxAPxxBx RLDU741* xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx */
move.w #$81fb,JOYSTICK
move.l JOYSTICK,d0 ;/* Read 2580 keys, C button */
or.l d1,d0 ;/* Mask off unused bits */
rol.l #6,d0
rol.l #6,d0
and.l d0,d2 ;/* d2 = xxAPxxBx RLDU741* xxCxxxxx 2580xxxx */
move.w #$81f7,JOYSTICK
move.l JOYSTICK,d0 ;/* Read 369# keys, Option button */
or.l d1,d0 ;/* Mask off unused bits */
rol.l #8,d0
and.l d0,d2 ;/* d2 = xxAPxxBx RLDU741* xxCxxxOx 2580369# */
;/* (inputs active low) */
moveq.l #-1,d1
eor.l d2,d1 ;/* d1 = xxAPxxBx RLDU741* xxCxxxOx 2580369# */
;/* (now inputs active high) */
;/*===================== */
cmp.l #$10001,d1 ;/* # + * reset */
bne notreset
;/* throw a reset returnpoint over the old returnpoint */
move.l #reset,6(a6)
move.l d1,_joystick1 ;/* joystick1 = joystickbuts */
move.l _ticcount,d0
and.l #31,d0
lsl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
add.l #_joypad,a0
move.l d1,(a0) ;/* joypad[ticcount&31] = joystickbits */
;/* */
;/* other VI stuff */
;/* */
addq.l #1,_ticcount
move.w #$100, d0
;/*========================================================================== */
;/* */
;/* done with interrupts */
;/* */
;/*========================================================================== */
or.w enabled_ints, d0
move.w d0, INT1
move.w #0, INT2
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d5/a0-a5
unlk a6