Source to src/p_tick.c
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "p_local.h"
int playertics, thinkertics, sighttics, basetics, latetics;
int tictics;
boolean gamepaused;
jagobj_t *pausepic;
All thinkers should be allocated by Z_Malloc so they can be operated on uniformly. The actual
structures will vary in size, but the first element must be thinker_t.
Mobjs are similar to thinkers, but kept seperate for more optimal list
thinker_t thinkercap; /* both the head and tail of the thinker list */
mobj_t mobjhead; /* head and tail of mobj list */
int activethinkers; /* debug count */
int activemobjs; /* debug count */
= P_InitThinkers
void P_InitThinkers (void)
thinkercap.prev = = &thinkercap; = mobjhead.prev = &mobjhead;
= P_AddThinker
= Adds a new thinker at the end of the list
void P_AddThinker (thinker_t *thinker)
thinkercap.prev->next = thinker;
thinker->next = &thinkercap;
thinker->prev = thinkercap.prev;
thinkercap.prev = thinker;
= P_RemoveThinker
= Deallocation is lazy -- it will not actually be freed until its
= thinking turn comes up
void P_RemoveThinker (thinker_t *thinker)
thinker->function = (think_t)-1;
= P_RunThinkers
void P_RunThinkers (void)
thinker_t *currentthinker;
activethinkers = 0;
currentthinker =;
while (currentthinker != &thinkercap)
if (currentthinker->function == (think_t)-1)
{ /* time to remove it */
currentthinker->next->prev = currentthinker->prev;
currentthinker->prev->next = currentthinker->next;
Z_Free (currentthinker);
if (currentthinker->function)
currentthinker->function (currentthinker);
currentthinker = currentthinker->next;
/*============================================================================= */
= P_CheckSights
= Check sights of all mobj thinkers that are going to change state this
= tic and have MF_COUNTKILL set
void P_CheckSights2 ();
void P_CheckSights (void)
#ifdef JAGUAR
extern int p_sight_start;
DSPFunction (&p_sight_start);
P_CheckSights2 ();
/*============================================================================= */
= P_RunMobjBase
= Run stuff that doesn't happen every tick
void P_RunMobjBase (void)
#ifdef JAGUAR
extern int p_base_start;
DSPFunction (&p_base_start);
P_RunMobjBase2 ();
/*============================================================================= */
= P_RunMobjLate
= Run stuff that doesn't happen every tick
void P_RunMobjLate (void)
mobj_t *mo;
mobj_t *next;
for ( ; mo != &mobjhead ; mo=next)
next = mo->next; /* in case mo is removed this time */
if (mo->latecall)
/*============================================================================= */
= P_CheckCheats
void P_CheckCheats (void)
int buttons, oldbuttons;
int warpmap;
int i;
player_t *p;
for (i=0 ; i<MAXPLAYERS ; i++)
if (!playeringame[i])
buttons = ticbuttons[i];
oldbuttons = oldticbuttons[i];
if ( (buttons & BT_PAUSE) && !(oldbuttons&BT_PAUSE) )
gamepaused ^= 1;
if (netgame)
buttons = ticbuttons[0];
oldbuttons = oldticbuttons[0];
if ( (oldbuttons&JP_PAUSE) || !(buttons & JP_PAUSE ) )
if (buttons&JP_NUM)
{ /* free stuff */
for (i=0 ; i<NUMCARDS ; i++)
p->cards[i] = true;
p->armorpoints = 200;
p->armortype = 2;
for (i=0;i<NUMWEAPONS;i++) p->weaponowned[i] = true;
for (i=0;i<NUMAMMO;i++) p->ammo[i] = p->maxammo[i] = 500;
if (buttons&JP_STAR)
{ /* godmode */
players[0].cheats ^= CF_GODMODE;
warpmap = 0;
if (buttons&JP_1) warpmap = 1;
if (buttons&JP_2) warpmap = 2;
if (buttons&JP_3) warpmap = 3;
if (buttons&JP_4) warpmap = 4;
if (buttons&JP_5) warpmap = 5;
if (buttons&JP_6) warpmap = 6;
if (buttons&JP_7) warpmap = 7;
if (buttons&JP_8) warpmap = 8;
if (buttons&JP_9) warpmap = 9;
if (buttons&JP_A) warpmap += 10;
else if (buttons&JP_B) warpmap += 20;
if (warpmap>0 && warpmap < 27)
gamemap = warpmap;
gameaction = ga_warped;
int playernum;
void G_DoReborn (int playernum);
= P_Ticker
int ticphase;
int P_Ticker (void)
int start;
int ticstart;
player_t *pl;
ticstart = samplecount;
while (!I_RefreshLatched () )
; /* wait for refresh to latch all needed data before */
/* running the next tick */
#ifdef JAGAUR
while (DSPRead (&dspfinished) != 0xdef6)
; /* wait for sound mixing to complete */
gameaction = ga_nothing;
/* */
/* check for pause and cheats */
/* */
P_CheckCheats ();
/* */
/* do option screen processing */
/* */
for (playernum=0,pl=players ; playernum<MAXPLAYERS ; playernum++,pl++)
if (playeringame[playernum])
O_Control (pl);
if (gamepaused)
return 0;
/* */
/* run player actions */
/* */
start = samplecount;
for (playernum=0,pl=players ; playernum<MAXPLAYERS ; playernum++,pl++)
if (playeringame[playernum])
if (pl->playerstate == PST_REBORN)
G_DoReborn (playernum);
AM_Control (pl);
P_PlayerThink (pl);
playertics = samplecount - start;
start = samplecount;
P_RunThinkers ();
thinkertics = samplecount - start;
start = samplecount;
P_CheckSights ();
sighttics = samplecount - start;
start = samplecount;
P_RunMobjBase ();
basetics = samplecount - start;
start = samplecount;
P_RunMobjLate ();
latetics = samplecount - start;
P_UpdateSpecials ();
P_RespawnSpecials ();
ST_Ticker (); /* update status bar */
tictics = samplecount - ticstart;
return gameaction; /* may have been set to ga_died, ga_completed, */
/* or ga_secretexit */
= DrawPlaque
void DrawPlaque (jagobj_t *pl)
#ifdef JAGUAR
int x,y,w;
short *sdest;
byte *bdest, *source;
extern int isrvmode;
while ( !I_RefreshCompleted () )
bufferpage = (byte *)screens[!workpage];
source = pl->data;
if (isrvmode == 0xc1 + (3<<9) )
{ /* 320 mode, stretch pixels */
bdest = (byte *)bufferpage + 80*320 + (160 - pl->width);
w = pl->width;
for (y=0 ; y<pl->height ; y++)
for (x=0 ; x<w ; x++)
bdest[x*2] = bdest[x*2+1] = *source++;
bdest += 320;
{ /* 160 mode, draw directly */
sdest = (short *)bufferpage + 80*160 + (80 - pl->width/2);
w = pl->width;
for (y=0 ; y<pl->height ; y++)
for (x=0 ; x<w ; x++)
sdest[x] = palette8[*source++];
sdest += 160;
= DrawPlaque
void DrawSinglePlaque (jagobj_t *pl)
int x,y,w;
byte *bdest, *source;
while ( !I_RefreshCompleted () )
bufferpage = (byte *)screens[!workpage];
source = pl->data;
bdest = (byte *)bufferpage + 80*320 + (160 - pl->width/2);
w = pl->width;
for (y=0 ; y<pl->height ; y++)
for (x=0 ; x<w ; x++)
bdest[x] = *source++;
bdest += 320;
= P_Drawer
= draw current display
void P_Drawer (void)
static boolean refreshdrawn;
#ifndef MARS
if (players[consoleplayer].automapflags & AF_OPTIONSACTIVE)
O_Drawer ();
refreshdrawn = false;
else if (gamepaused && refreshdrawn)
DrawPlaque (pausepic);
else if (players[consoleplayer].automapflags & AF_ACTIVE)
ST_Drawer ();
AM_Drawer ();
I_Update ();
refreshdrawn = true;
#ifdef JAGUAR
ST_Drawer ();
R_RenderPlayerView ();
refreshdrawn = true;
/* assume part of the refresh is now running parallel with main code */
extern int ticremainder[2];
void P_Start (void)
#ifndef MARS
AM_Start ();
S_RestartSounds ();
players[0].automapflags = 0;
players[1].automapflags = 0;
ticremainder[0] = ticremainder[1] = 0;
M_ClearRandom ();
void P_Stop (void)
Z_FreeTags (mainzone);