Source to src/s_sound.c
/* s_sound.c */
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "music.h"
sfxchannel_t sfxchannels[SFXCHANNELS];
boolean channelschanged; /* set by S_StartSound to signal */
/* update to remix speculative samples */
int finalquad; /* the last quad mixed by update. */
int sfxvolume = 128; /* range 0 - 255 */
int musicvolume = 128; /* range 0 - 255 */
int oldsfxvolume = 128; /* to detect transition to sound off */
int soundtics; /* time spent mixing sounds */
int soundstarttics; /* time S_Update started */
int sfxsample; /* the sample about to be output */
/* by S_WriteOutSamples */
sfx_t *instruments[256]; /* pointers to all patches */
channel_t music_channels[10]; /* master music channel list */
int musictime; /* internal music time, follows samplecount */
int next_eventtime; /* when next event will occur */
unsigned char *music; /* pointer to current music data */
unsigned char *music_start; /* current music start pointer */
unsigned char *music_end; /* current music end pointer */
unsigned char *music_memory; /* current location of cached music */
int samples_per_midiclock; /* multiplier for midi clocks */
int musictics = 0;
#define abs(x) ((x)<0 ? -(x) : (x))
= S_Init
void S_Init(void)
int i,l;
int lump, end;
int instnum;
/* SFX */
for (i=1 ; i < NUMSFX ; i++)
l = W_CheckNumForName(S_sfx[i].name);
if (l != -1)
S_sfx[i].md_data = W_POINTLUMPNUM(l);
/* MUSIC */
D_memset(instruments, 0, 256 * 4);
lump = W_GetNumForName("inststrt"); /* get available instruments[] */
end = W_GetNumForName("instend");
while (lump != end)
instnum = (lumpinfo[lump].name[1]-'0')*100
+ (lumpinfo[lump].name[2]-'0')*10
+ (lumpinfo[lump].name[3]-'0')
+ (lumpinfo[lump].name[0] == 'P' ? 128 : 0);
instruments[instnum] = (sfx_t *) (wadfileptr + lumpinfo[lump].filepos);
/* hack test */
music_memory = 0;
music = 0;
D_memset(music_channels, 0, sizeof(music_channels));
musictime = 0;
next_eventtime = 0;
/* S_StartSong(1,1); */
= S_Clear
void S_Clear (void)
D_memset (sfxchannels,0,sizeof(sfxchannels));
D_memset (soundbuffer,0,0x4000);
void S_RestartSounds (void)
= S_StartSound
void S_StartSound(mobj_t *origin, int sound_id)
#ifdef JAGUAR
sfxchannel_t *channel, *newchannel;
int i;
int dist_approx;
player_t *player;
int dx, dy;
short vol;
sfxinfo_t *sfx;
/* */
/* spatialize */
/* */
player = &players[consoleplayer];
if (!origin || origin == player->mo)
vol = 127;
dx = abs(origin->x - player->mo->x);
dy = abs(origin->y - player->mo->y);
dist_approx = dx + dy - ((dx < dy ? dx : dy) >> 1);
vol = dist_approx >> 20;
if (vol > 127)
return; /* too far away */
vol = 127 - vol;
/* Get sound effect data pointer */
sfx = &S_sfx[sound_id];
newchannel = NULL;
/* reject sounds started at the same instant and singular sounds */
for (channel=sfxchannels,i=0 ; i<SFXCHANNELS ; i++,channel++)
if (channel->sfx == sfx)
if (channel->startquad == finalquad)
return; /* exact sound allready started */
if (sfx->singularity)
newchannel = channel; /* overlay this */
goto gotchannel;
if (channel->origin == origin)
{ /* cut off whatever was coming from this origin */
newchannel = channel;
goto gotchannel;
if (channel->stopquad <= finalquad)
newchannel = channel; /* this is a dead channel, ok to reuse */
/* if there weren't any dead channels, try to kill an equal or lower */
/* priority channel */
if (!newchannel)
for (newchannel=sfxchannels,i=0 ; i<SFXCHANNELS ; i++, newchannel++)
if (newchannel->sfx->priority >= sfx->priority)
goto gotchannel;
return; /* couldn't override a channel */
/* */
/* fill in the new values */
/* */
newchannel->sfx = sfx;
newchannel->origin = origin;
newchannel->startquad = finalquad;
newchannel->stopquad = finalquad + (sfx->md_data->samples>>2);
newchannel->source = (int *)&sfx->md_data->data;
newchannel->volume = vol * (short)sfxvolume;
= S_UpdateSounds
extern int sfx_start;
extern int music_dspcode;
void S_UpdateSounds(void)
#ifdef JAGUAR
int st;
/* */
/* if sound was just turned off, clear out the buffer */
/* */
if (!sfxvolume)
if (oldsfxvolume)
oldsfxvolume = 0;
S_Clear ();
if (!oldsfxvolume)
finalquad = (samplecount >> 3) - 100; /* don't mix lots of junk */
oldsfxvolume = sfxvolume;
/* */
/* print debugging info */
/* */
#if 0
for (i=0 ; i<SFXCHANNELS ; i++)
PrintNumber (1,1+i,sfxchannels[i].sfx - S_sfx);
soundstarttics = samplecount; /* for timing calculations */
/* */
/* run the mixing in parallel on the dsp */
/* */
if (music)
if (!musictime)
musictime = next_eventtime = samplecount + EXTERN_BUFFER_SIZE/2;
while (samplecount - musictime > EXTERN_BUFFER_SIZE)
musictime += EXTERN_BUFFER_SIZE;
next_eventtime += EXTERN_BUFFER_SIZE;
st = samplecount;
DSPFunction (&music_dspcode);
musictics = samplecount - st;
#if 0
((int *)0x1f8000)[ticon*2] = samplecount;
((int *)0x1f8000)[ticon*2+1] = sfxsample;
dspfinished = 0x1234;
dspcodestart = (int)&sfx_start;
void S_StartSong(int music_id, int looping)
int lump;
/* next_eventtime = musictime; */
musictime = 0;
samples_per_midiclock = 0;
lump = W_GetNumForName(S_music[music_id].name);
music_memory = music =
(unsigned char *) W_CacheLumpNum(lump, PU_STATIC);
music_start = looping ? music : 0;
music_end = (unsigned char *) music + lumpinfo[lump].size ;
void S_StopSong(void)
int i;
int *ptr;
Z_Free (music_memory);
music = 0; /* prevent the DSP from running */
ptr = soundbuffer+1; /* clear music output buffer */
for (i=(EXTERNALQUADS*32)/4;i;i-=8)
ptr[0] = 0;
ptr[2] = 0;
ptr[4] = 0;
ptr[6] = 0;
ptr += 8;