Source to src/change.c

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  Hatari - change.c

  This file is distributed under the GNU Public License, version 2 or at
  your option any later version. Read the file gpl.txt for details.

  This code handles run-time configuration changes. We keep all our
  configuration details in a structure called 'ConfigureParams'.  Before
  doing he changes, a backup copy is done of this structure. When
  the changes are done, these are compared to see whether emulator
  needs to be rebooted
const char Change_fileid[] = "Hatari change.c : " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;

#include <ctype.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "change.h"
#include "dialog.h"
#include "ioMem.h"
#include "m68000.h"
#include "reset.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "statusbar.h"
#include "video.h"
#include "hatari-glue.h"
#include "scsi.h"
#include "mo.h"
#include "floppy.h"
#include "ethernet.h"
#include "snd.h"

#define DEBUG 1
#define Dprintf(a) printf(a)
#define Dprintf(a)

 * Check if user needs to be warned that changes will take place after reset.
 * Return true if wants to reset.
bool Change_DoNeedReset(CNF_PARAMS *current, CNF_PARAMS *changed)
    int i, j;
    /* Did we change ROM file? */
    if (current->System.nMachineType == NEXT_CUBE030 && strcmp(current->Rom.szRom030FileName, changed->Rom.szRom030FileName)) {
        printf("rom030 reset\n");
        return true;
    if (current->System.nMachineType == NEXT_CUBE040 || current->System.nMachineType == NEXT_STATION) {
        if (!current->System.bTurbo && strcmp(current->Rom.szRom040FileName, changed->Rom.szRom040FileName)) {
            printf("rom040 reset\n");
            return true;
        if (current->System.bTurbo && strcmp(current->Rom.szRomTurboFileName, changed->Rom.szRomTurboFileName)) {
            printf("romturbo reset\n");
            return true;
    /* Did we change machine type? */
    if (current->System.nMachineType != changed->System.nMachineType) {
        printf("machine type reset\n");
        return true;
    if (current->System.bColor != changed->System.bColor) {
        printf("machine type reset (color)\n");
        return true;
    if (current->System.bTurbo != changed->System.bTurbo) {
        printf("machine type reset (turbo)\n");
        return true;
    /* Did we change CPU type? */
    if ((current->System.nCpuLevel != changed->System.nCpuLevel) ||
        (current->System.nCpuFreq != changed->System.nCpuFreq)) {
        printf("cpu type reset\n");
        return true;

    /* Did we change the realtime flag? */
    if(current->System.bRealtime != changed->System.bRealtime) {
        printf("realtime flag reset\n");
        return true;

    /* Did we change FPU type? */
    if (current->System.n_FPUType != changed->System.n_FPUType) {
        printf("fpu type reset\n");
        return true;
	/* Did we change DSP type or memory? */
	if ((current->System.nDSPType != changed->System.nDSPType) ||
		(current->System.bDSPMemoryExpansion != changed->System.bDSPMemoryExpansion)) {
		printf("dsp type reset\n");
		return true;

    /* Did we change SCSI controller? */
    if (current->System.nSCSI != changed->System.nSCSI) {
        printf("scsi controller reset\n");
        return true;
    /* Did we change RTC chip? */
    if (current->System.nRTC != changed->System.nRTC) {
        printf("rtc chip reset\n");
        return true;
    /* Did we change NBIC emulation? */
    if (current->System.bNBIC != changed->System.bNBIC) {
        printf("nbic reset\n");
        return true;
    /* Did we change memory size? */
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (current->Memory.nMemoryBankSize[i] != changed->Memory.nMemoryBankSize[i]) {
            printf("memory size reset\n");
            return true;
    /* Did we change boot options? */
    if (current->Boot.nBootDevice != changed->Boot.nBootDevice) {
        printf("boot options reset\n");
        return true;
    if (current->Boot.bEnableDRAMTest != changed->Boot.bEnableDRAMTest) {
        printf("boot options reset\n");
        return true;
    if (current->Boot.bEnablePot != changed->Boot.bEnablePot) {
        printf("boot options reset\n");
        return true;
    if (current->Boot.bEnableSoundTest != changed->Boot.bEnableSoundTest) {
        printf("boot options reset\n");
        return true;
    if (current->Boot.bEnableSCSITest != changed->Boot.bEnableSCSITest) {
        printf("boot options reset\n");
        return true;
    if (current->Boot.bLoopPot != changed->Boot.bLoopPot) {
        printf("boot options reset\n");
        return true;
    if (current->Boot.bVerbose != changed->Boot.bVerbose) {
        printf("boot options reset\n");
        return true;
    if (current->Boot.bExtendedPot != changed->Boot.bExtendedPot) {
        printf("boot options reset\n");
        return true;
    /* Did we change SCSI disk? */
    for (i = 0; i < ESP_MAX_DEVS; i++) {
        if (current->[i].nDeviceType != changed->[i].nDeviceType ||
            (current->[i].nDeviceType==DEVTYPE_HARDDISK &&
             (current->[i].bWriteProtected != changed->[i].bWriteProtected ||
              strcmp(current->[i].szImageName, changed->[i].szImageName)))) {
                 printf("scsi disk reset\n");
                 return true;
    if(current->SCSI.nWriteProtection != changed->SCSI.nWriteProtection) {
        printf("scsi disk reset\n");
        return true;
    /* Did we change MO drive? */
    for (i = 0; i < MO_MAX_DRIVES; i++) {
        if (current->[i].bDriveConnected != changed->[i].bDriveConnected) {
            printf("mo drive reset\n");
            return true;
    /* Did we change floppy drive? */
    for (i = 0; i < FLP_MAX_DRIVES; i++) {
        if (current->[i].bDriveConnected != changed->[i].bDriveConnected) {
            printf("floppy drive reset\n");
            return true;
    /* Did we change printer? */
    if (current->Printer.bPrinterConnected != changed->Printer.bPrinterConnected) {
        printf("printer reset\n");
        return true;
    /* Did we change NeXTdimension? */
    for (i = 0; i < ND_MAX_BOARDS; i++) {
        if (current->Dimension.board[i].bEnabled != changed->Dimension.board[i].bEnabled ||
            strcmp(current->Dimension.board[i].szRomFileName, changed->Dimension.board[i].szRomFileName)) {
            printf("dimension reset\n");
            return true;
        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            if (current->Dimension.board[i].nMemoryBankSize[j] != changed->Dimension.board[i].nMemoryBankSize[j]) {
                printf("dimension memory size reset\n");
                return true;
    if (current->Dimension.bI860Thread != changed->Dimension.bI860Thread ||
        current->Dimension.bMainDisplay != changed->Dimension.bMainDisplay ||
        current->Dimension.nMainDisplay != changed->Dimension.nMainDisplay) {
        printf("dimension display reset\n");
        return true;
	/* Did we change monitor count? */
	if (current->Screen.nMonitorType != changed->Screen.nMonitorType &&
		(current->Screen.nMonitorType == MONITOR_TYPE_DUAL ||
		 changed->Screen.nMonitorType == MONITOR_TYPE_DUAL)) {
			printf("monitor reset\n");
			return true;
    /* Else no reset is required */
    printf("No Reset needed!\n");
    return false;

 * Copy details back to configuration and perform reset.
bool Change_CopyChangedParamsToConfiguration(CNF_PARAMS *current, CNF_PARAMS *changed, bool bForceReset)
	bool NeedReset;
	bool bReInitEnetEmu = false;
    bool bReInitSoundEmu = false;
	bool bScreenModeChange = false;

	Dprintf("Changes for:\n");
	/* Do we need to warn user that changes will only take effect after reset? */
	if (bForceReset)
		NeedReset = bForceReset;
		NeedReset = Change_DoNeedReset(current, changed);
    /* Note: SCSI, MO and floppy disk insert/eject called from GUI */
    /* Do we need to change Ethernet connection? */
    if (!NeedReset &&
        (current->Ethernet.bEthernetConnected != changed->Ethernet.bEthernetConnected ||
         current->Ethernet.nHostInterface != changed->Ethernet.nHostInterface ||
         strcmp(current->Ethernet.szInterfaceName, changed->Ethernet.szInterfaceName))) {
        bReInitEnetEmu = true;
    /* Do we need to change Sound configuration? */
    if (!NeedReset &&
        (current->Sound.bEnableSound != changed->Sound.bEnableSound ||
         current->Sound.bEnableMicrophone != changed->Sound.bEnableMicrophone)) {
        bReInitSoundEmu = true;
    /* Do we need to change Screen configuration? */
    if (!NeedReset &&
        current->Screen.nMonitorType != changed->Screen.nMonitorType) {

	/* Copy details to configuration,
	 * so it can be saved out or set on reset
	if (changed != &ConfigureParams)
		ConfigureParams = *changed;

	/* Copy details to global, if we reset copy them all */
    /* Re-init Ethernet? */
    if (bReInitEnetEmu) {
        Dprintf("- Ethernet<\n");
    /* Re-init Sound? */
    if (bReInitSoundEmu) {
        Dprintf("- Sound<\n");
	/* Force things associated with screen change */
	if (bScreenModeChange)
		Dprintf("- screenmode<\n");

	/* Do we need to perform reset? */
	if (NeedReset)
        /* Check if all necessary files exist */
        if (bQuitProgram)

		Dprintf("- reset\n");

	/* Go into/return from full screen if flagged */
	if (!bInFullScreen && ConfigureParams.Screen.bFullScreen)
	else if (bInFullScreen && !ConfigureParams.Screen.bFullScreen)

	/* update statusbar info (CPU, MHz, mem etc) */
	return true;

 * Change given Hatari options
 * Return false if parsing failed, true otherwise
static bool Change_Options(int argc, const char *argv[])
	bool bOK = false;
	CNF_PARAMS current;


	/* get configuration changes */
	current = ConfigureParams;
	ConfigureParams.Screen.bFullScreen = bInFullScreen;

	/* Check if reset is required and ask user if he really wants to continue */
	if (Change_DoNeedReset(&current, &ConfigureParams)
	    && current.Log.nAlertDlgLogLevel > LOG_FATAL) {
		bOK = DlgAlert_Query("The emulated system must be "
				     "reset to apply these changes. "
				     "Apply changes now and reset "
				     "the emulator?");
	/* Copy details to configuration */
	if (bOK) {
		if (!Change_CopyChangedParamsToConfiguration(&current, &ConfigureParams, false)) {
			ConfigureParams = current;
			DlgAlert_Notice("Return to old parameters...");
	} else {
		ConfigureParams = current;

	return bOK;

 * Parse given command line and change Hatari options accordingly
 * Return false if parsing failed or there were no args, true otherwise
bool Change_ApplyCommandline(char *cmdline)
	int i, argc, inarg;
	const char **argv;
	bool ret;

	/* count args */
	inarg = argc = 0;
	for (i = 0; cmdline[i]; i++)
		if (isspace(cmdline[i]))
			inarg = 0;
		if (!inarg)
	if (!argc)
		return false;
	/* 2 = "hatari" + NULL */
	argv = malloc((argc+2) * sizeof(char*));
	if (!argv)
		perror("command line alloc");
		return false;

	/* parse them to array */
	fprintf(stderr, "Command line with '%d' arguments:\n", argc);
	inarg = argc = 0;
	argv[argc++] = "hatari";
	for (i = 0; cmdline[i]; i++)
		if (isspace(cmdline[i]))
			cmdline[i] = '\0';
			if (inarg)
				fprintf(stderr, "- '%s'\n", argv[argc-1]);
			inarg = 0;
		if (!inarg)
			argv[argc++] = &(cmdline[i]);
	if (inarg)
		fprintf(stderr, "- '%s'\n", argv[argc-1]);
	argv[argc] = NULL;
	/* do args */
	ret = Change_Options(argc, argv);
	free((void *)argv);
	return ret;