Source to src/fast_screen.c

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  Hatari - screen.c

  This file is distributed under the GNU Public License, version 2 or at your
  option any later version. Read the file gpl.txt for details.

 (SC) Simon Schubiger - most of it rewritten for Previous NeXT emulator

#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_endian.h>
#include <SDL_blendmode.h>

const char Screen_fileid[] = "Previous fast_screen.c : " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;

#include "main.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "m68000.h"
#include "dimension.hpp"
#include "nd_mem.hpp"
#include "paths.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "statusbar.h"
#include "video.h"

SDL_Window*   sdlWindow;
SDL_Surface*  sdlscrn = NULL;   /* The SDL screen surface */
int nScreenZoomX, nScreenZoomY; /* Zooming factors, used for scaling mouse motions */

/* extern for shortcuts */
volatile bool bGrabMouse    = false; /* Grab the mouse cursor in the window */
volatile bool bInFullScreen = false; /* true if in full screen */

static const int NeXT_SCRN_WIDTH  = 1120;
static const int NeXT_SCRN_HEIGHT = 832;

static SDL_Thread*   repaintThread;
static SDL_Renderer* sdlRenderer;
static SDL_sem*      initLatch;
static SDL_atomic_t  blitFB;
static SDL_atomic_t  blitUI;           /* When value == 1, the repaint thread will blit the sldscrn surface to the screen on the next redraw */
static bool          doUIblit;
static SDL_Rect      saveWindowBounds; /* Window bounds before going fullscreen. Used to restore window size & position. */
static void*         uiBuffer;         /* uiBuffer used for ui texture */
static void*         uiBufferTmp;      /* Temporary uiBuffer used by repainter */
static SDL_SpinLock  uiBufferLock;     /* Lock for concurrent access to UI buffer between m68k thread and repainter */
static Uint32        mask;             /* green screen mask for transparent UI areas */
static volatile bool doRepaint  = true; /* Repaint thread runs while true */
static SDL_Rect      statusBar;

static Uint32 BW2RGB[0x400];
static Uint32 COL2RGB[0x10000];

static Uint32 bw2rgb(SDL_PixelFormat* format, int bw) {
    switch(bw & 3) {
        case 3:  return SDL_MapRGB(format, 0,   0,   0);
        case 2:  return SDL_MapRGB(format, 85,  85,  85);
        case 1:  return SDL_MapRGB(format, 170, 170, 170);
        case 0:  return SDL_MapRGB(format, 255, 255, 255);
        default: return 0;

static Uint32 col2rgb(SDL_PixelFormat* format, int col) {
    int r = col & 0xF000; r >>= 12; r |= r << 4;
    int g = col & 0x0F00; g >>= 8;  g |= g << 4;
    int b = col & 0x00F0; b >>= 4;  b |= b << 4;
    return SDL_MapRGB(format, r,   g,   b);

 BW format is 2bit per pixel
static void blitBW(SDL_Texture* tex) {
    void* pixels;
    int   d;
    int   pitch = (NeXT_SCRN_WIDTH + (ConfigureParams.System.bTurbo ? 0 : 32)) / 4;
    SDL_LockTexture(tex, NULL, &pixels, &d);
    Uint32* dst = (Uint32*)pixels;
    for(int y = 0; y < NeXT_SCRN_HEIGHT; y++) {
        int src     = y * pitch;
        for(int x = 0; x < NeXT_SCRN_WIDTH/4; x++, src++) {
            int idx = NEXTVideo[src] * 4;
            *dst++  = BW2RGB[idx+0];
            *dst++  = BW2RGB[idx+1];
            *dst++  = BW2RGB[idx+2];
            *dst++  = BW2RGB[idx+3];

 Color format is 4bit per pixel, big-endian: RGBx
static void blitColor(SDL_Texture* tex) {
    void* pixels;
    int   d;
    int pitch = NeXT_SCRN_WIDTH + (ConfigureParams.System.bTurbo ? 0 : 32);
    SDL_LockTexture(tex, NULL, &pixels, &d);
    Uint32* dst = (Uint32*)pixels;
    for(int y = 0; y < NeXT_SCRN_HEIGHT; y++) {
        Uint16* src = (Uint16*)NEXTColorVideo + (y*pitch);
        for(int x = 0; x < NeXT_SCRN_WIDTH; x++) {
            *dst++ = COL2RGB[*src++];

 Dimension format is 8bit per pixel, big-endian: RRGGBBAA
void blitDimension(Uint32* vram, SDL_Texture* tex) {
    Uint32* src = &vram[0];
    Uint32* src = &vram[16];
    void*   pixels;
    int     d;
    Uint32  format;
    SDL_QueryTexture(tex, &format, &d, &d, &d);
    SDL_LockTexture(tex, NULL, &pixels, &d);
    Uint32* dst = (Uint32*)pixels;
        /* Add big-endian accelerated blit loops as needed here */
        switch (format) {
            default: {
                /* fallback to SDL_MapRGB */
                SDL_PixelFormat* pformat = SDL_AllocFormat(format);
                for(int y = NeXT_SCRN_HEIGHT; --y >= 0;) {
                    for(int x = NeXT_SCRN_WIDTH; --x >= 0;) {
                        Uint32 v = *src++;
                        *dst++   = SDL_MapRGB(pformat, (v >> 24) & 0xFF, (v>>16) & 0xFF, (v>>8) & 0xFF);
                    src += 32;
    } else {
        /* Add little-endian accelerated blit loops as needed here */
        switch (format) {
            case SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888:
                for(int y = NeXT_SCRN_HEIGHT; --y >= 0;) {
                    for(int x = NeXT_SCRN_WIDTH; --x >= 0;) {
                        // Uint32 LE: AABBGGRR
                        // Target:    AARRGGBB
                        Uint32 v = *src++;
                        *dst++   = (v & 0xFF000000) | ((v<<16) &0x00FF0000) | (v &0x0000FF00) | ((v>>16) &0x000000FF);
                    src += 32;
            default: {
                /* fallback to SDL_MapRGB */
                SDL_PixelFormat* pformat = SDL_AllocFormat(format);
                for(int y = NeXT_SCRN_HEIGHT; --y >= 0;) {
                    for(int x = NeXT_SCRN_WIDTH; --x >= 0;) {
                        Uint32 v = SDL_Swap32(*src++);
                        *dst++   = SDL_MapRGB(pformat, (v >> 24) & 0xFF, (v>>16) & 0xFF, (v>>8) & 0xFF);
                    src += 32;

 Blit NeXT framebuffer to texture.
static void blitScreen(SDL_Texture* tex) {
    if (ConfigureParams.Screen.nMonitorType==MONITOR_TYPE_DIMENSION) {
        Uint32* vram = nd_vram_for_slot(ND_SLOT(ConfigureParams.Screen.nMonitorNum));
            blitDimension(vram, tex);
    if(ConfigureParams.System.bColor) {
    } else {

 Initializes SDL graphics and then enters repaint loop.
 Loop: Blits the NeXT framebuffer to the fbTexture, blends with the GUI surface and
 shows it.
static int repainter(void* unused) {
    int width;
    int height;

    SDL_GetWindowSize(sdlWindow, &width, &height);
    statusBar.x = 0;
    statusBar.y = NeXT_SCRN_HEIGHT;
    statusBar.w = width;
    statusBar.h = height - NeXT_SCRN_HEIGHT;
    SDL_Texture*  uiTexture;
    SDL_Texture*  fbTexture;
    Uint32 r, g, b, a;
    sdlRenderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(sdlWindow, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC);
    SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(sdlRenderer, width, height);
    uiTexture = SDL_CreateTexture(sdlRenderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_UNKNOWN, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, width, height);
    SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(uiTexture, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND);
    fbTexture = SDL_CreateTexture(sdlRenderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_UNKNOWN, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, width, height);
    SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(fbTexture, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE);
    Uint32 format;
    int    d;
    SDL_QueryTexture(uiTexture, &format, &d, &d, &d);
    SDL_PixelFormatEnumToMasks(format, &d, &r, &g, &b, &a);
    mask = g | a;
    sdlscrn     = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, width, height, 32, r, g, b, a);
    uiBuffer    = malloc(sdlscrn->h * sdlscrn->pitch);
    uiBufferTmp = malloc(sdlscrn->h * sdlscrn->pitch);
    // clear UI with mask
    SDL_FillRect(sdlscrn, NULL, mask);
    /* Exit if we can not open a screen */
    if (!sdlscrn) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not set video mode:\n %s\n", SDL_GetError() );
	if (bGrabMouse) {
        SDL_SetWindowGrab(sdlWindow, SDL_TRUE);

	/* Configure some SDL stuff: */
    /* Setup lookup tables */
    SDL_PixelFormat* pformat = SDL_AllocFormat(format);
    /* initialize BW lookup table */
    for(int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) {
        BW2RGB[i*4+0] = bw2rgb(pformat, i>>6);
        BW2RGB[i*4+1] = bw2rgb(pformat, i>>4);
        BW2RGB[i*4+2] = bw2rgb(pformat, i>>2);
        BW2RGB[i*4+3] = bw2rgb(pformat, i>>0);
    /* initialize color lookup table */
    for(int i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++)
        COL2RGB[SDL_BYTEORDER == SDL_BIG_ENDIAN ? i : SDL_Swap16(i)] = col2rgb(pformat, i);
    /* Initialization done -> signal */
    /* Start with framebuffer blit enabled */
    SDL_AtomicSet(&blitFB, 1);
    /* Enter repaint loop */
    while(doRepaint) {
        bool updateFB = false;
        bool updateUI = false;
        if (SDL_AtomicGet(&blitFB)) {
            // Blit the NeXT framebuffer to textrue
            updateFB = true;
        // Copy UI surface to texture
        if(SDL_AtomicSet(&blitUI, 0)) {
            // update full UI texture
            memcpy(uiBufferTmp, uiBuffer, sdlscrn->h * sdlscrn->pitch);
            updateUI = true;
        if(updateUI) {
            SDL_UpdateTexture(uiTexture, NULL,       uiBufferTmp, sdlscrn->pitch);
        // Update and render UI texture
        if (updateFB || updateUI) {
            // Render NeXT framebuffer texture
            SDL_RenderCopy(sdlRenderer, fbTexture, NULL, NULL);
            SDL_RenderCopy(sdlRenderer, uiTexture, NULL, NULL);
            // SDL_RenderPresent sleeps until next VSYNC because of SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC in ScreenInit
        } else {
    return 0;

 * Pause Screen, pauses or resumes drawing of NeXT framebuffer
void Screen_Pause(bool pause) {
    if (pause) {
        SDL_AtomicSet(&blitFB, 0);
    } else {
        SDL_AtomicSet(&blitFB, 1);

 * Init Screen, creates window and starts repaint thread
void Screen_Init(void) {
    /* Set initial window resolution */
    bInFullScreen = ConfigureParams.Screen.bFullScreen;
    nScreenZoomX  = 1;
    nScreenZoomY  = 1;

    int width  = NeXT_SCRN_WIDTH;
    int height = NeXT_SCRN_HEIGHT;
    /* Statusbar height */
    height += Statusbar_SetHeight(width, height);
    /* Set new video mode */
    fprintf(stderr, "SDL screen request: %d x %d (%s)\n", width, height, bInFullScreen ? "fullscreen" : "windowed");
    if(ConfigureParams.Screen.nMonitorType == MONITOR_TYPE_DUAL) {
        for(int i = 0; i < SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays(); i++) {
            SDL_Rect r;
            SDL_GetDisplayBounds(i, &r);
            if(r.w >= width * 2) {
                x = r.x + width + ((r.w - width * 2) / 2);
            if(r.x >= 0 && SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays() == 1) x = r.x + 8;
    sdlWindow  = SDL_CreateWindow(PROG_NAME, x, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, width, height, 0);
    if (!sdlWindow) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to create window: %s!\n", SDL_GetError());

    initLatch     = SDL_CreateSemaphore(0);
    repaintThread = SDL_CreateThread(repainter, "[Previous] screen repaint", NULL);

void nd_sdl_destroy(void);

 * Free screen bitmap and allocated resources
void Screen_UnInit(void) {
    doRepaint = false; // stop repaint thread
    int s;
    SDL_WaitThread(repaintThread, &s);

 * Enter Full screen mode
void Screen_EnterFullScreen(void) {
	bool bWasRunning;

	if (!bInFullScreen) {
		/* Hold things... */
		bWasRunning = Main_PauseEmulation(false);
		bInFullScreen = true;

        SDL_GetWindowPosition(sdlWindow, &saveWindowBounds.x, &saveWindowBounds.y);
        SDL_GetWindowSize(sdlWindow, &saveWindowBounds.w, &saveWindowBounds.h);
        SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(sdlWindow, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP);
		SDL_Delay(20);                  /* To give monitor time to change to new resolution */
		if (bWasRunning) {
			/* And off we go... */
        SDL_SetWindowGrab(sdlWindow, SDL_TRUE);

 * Return from Full screen mode back to a window
void Screen_ReturnFromFullScreen(void) {
	bool bWasRunning;

	if (bInFullScreen) {
		/* Hold things... */
		bWasRunning = Main_PauseEmulation(false);
		bInFullScreen = false;

        SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(sdlWindow, 0);
		SDL_Delay(20);                /* To give monitor time to switch resolution */
        SDL_SetWindowPosition(sdlWindow, saveWindowBounds.x, saveWindowBounds.y);
        SDL_SetWindowSize(sdlWindow, saveWindowBounds.w, saveWindowBounds.h);
		if (bWasRunning) {
			/* And off we go... */

		if (!bGrabMouse) {
			/* Un-grab mouse pointer in windowed mode */
            SDL_SetWindowGrab(sdlWindow, SDL_FALSE);

 * Force things associated with changing between fullscreen/windowed
void Screen_ModeChanged(void) {
	if (!sdlscrn) {
		/* screen not yet initialized */
	if (bInFullScreen || bGrabMouse) {
        SDL_SetWindowGrab(sdlWindow, SDL_TRUE);
	} else {
        SDL_SetWindowGrab(sdlWindow, SDL_FALSE);

 * Draw screen to window/full-screen - (SC) Just status bar updates. Screen redraw is done in repaint thread.

static bool shieldStatusBarUpdate;

static void statusBarUpdate(void) {
    if(shieldStatusBarUpdate) return;
    memcpy(&((Uint8*)uiBuffer)[statusBar.y*sdlscrn->pitch], &((Uint8*)sdlscrn->pixels)[statusBar.y*sdlscrn->pitch], statusBar.h * sdlscrn->pitch);
    SDL_AtomicSet(&blitUI, 1);

bool Update_StatusBar(void) {
    shieldStatusBarUpdate = true;
    shieldStatusBarUpdate = false;

    return !bQuitProgram;

 Copy UI SDL surface to uiBuffer and replace mask pixels with transparent pixels for
 UI blending with framebuffer texture.
static void uiUpdate(void) {
    int     count = sdlscrn->w * sdlscrn->h;
    Uint32* dst   = (Uint32*)uiBuffer;
    Uint32* src   = (Uint32*)sdlscrn->pixels;
    // poor man's green-screen - would be nice if SDL had more blending modes...
    for(int i = count; --i >= 0; src++)
        *dst++ = *src == mask ? 0 : *src;
    SDL_AtomicSet(&blitUI, 1);

void SDL_UpdateRects(SDL_Surface *screen, int numrects, SDL_Rect *rects) {
    while(numrects--) {
        if(rects->y < NeXT_SCRN_HEIGHT) {
            doUIblit = true;
        } else {
            if(doUIblit) {
                doUIblit = false;
            } else {

void SDL_UpdateRect(SDL_Surface *screen, Sint32 x, Sint32 y, Sint32 w, Sint32 h) {
    SDL_Rect rect = { x, y, w, h };
    SDL_UpdateRects(screen, 1, &rect);