Source to src/m68000.c
Hatari - m68000.c
This file is distributed under the GNU Public License, version 2 or at
your option any later version. Read the file gpl.txt for details.
const char M68000_fileid[] = "Hatari m68000.c : " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
#include "main.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "hatari-glue.h"
#include "cycInt.h"
#include "m68000.h"
#include "nextMemory.h"
#include "mmu_common.h"
Uint32 BusErrorAddress; /* Stores the offending address for bus-/address errors */
Uint32 BusErrorPC; /* Value of the PC when bus error occurs */
bool bBusErrorReadWrite; /* 0 for write error, 1 for read error */
int BusMode = BUS_MODE_CPU; /* Used to tell which part is owning the bus (cpu, blitter, ...) */
int LastOpcodeFamily = i_NOP; /* see the enum in readcpu.h i_XXX */
int LastInstrCycles = 0; /* number of cycles for previous instr. (not rounded to 4) */
int Pairing = 0; /* set to 1 if the latest 2 intr paired */
/* to convert the enum from OpcodeFamily to a readable value for pairing's debug */
const char *OpcodeName[] = { "ILLG",
* Add pairing between all the bit shifting instructions and a given Opcode
static void M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( int OpCode )
PairingArray[ i_ASR ][ OpCode ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_ASL ][ OpCode ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_LSR ][ OpCode ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_LSL ][ OpCode ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_ROL ][ OpCode ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_ROR ][ OpCode ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_ROXR ][ OpCode ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_ROXL ][ OpCode ] = 1;
* Init the pairing matrix
* Two instructions can pair if PairingArray[ LastOpcodeFamily ][ OpcodeFamily ] == 1
static void M68000_InitPairing(void)
/* First, clear the matrix (pairing is false) */
memset(PairingArray , 0 , MAX_OPCODE_FAMILY * MAX_OPCODE_FAMILY);
/* Set all valid pairing combinations to 1 */
PairingArray[ i_EXG ][ i_DBcc ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_EXG ][ i_MOVE ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_EXG ][ i_MOVEA] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_CMPA ][ i_Bcc ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_CMP ][ i_Bcc ] = 1;
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_DBcc );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_MOVE );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_MOVEA );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_LEA );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_JMP );
PairingArray[ i_MULU ][ i_MOVEA] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULS ][ i_MOVEA] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULU ][ i_MOVE ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULS ][ i_MOVE ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULU ][ i_DIVU ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULU ][ i_DIVS ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULS ][ i_DIVU ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_MULS ][ i_DIVS ] = 1;
PairingArray[ i_BTST ][ i_Bcc ] = 1;
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_ADD );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_SUB );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_OR );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_AND );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_EOR );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_NOT );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_CLR );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_NEG );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_ADDX );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_SUBX );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_ABCD );
M68000_InitPairing_BitShift ( i_SBCD );
PairingArray[ i_ADD ][ i_MOVE ] = 1; /* when using xx(an,dn) addr mode */
PairingArray[ i_SUB ][ i_MOVE ] = 1;
* One-time CPU initialization.
void M68000_Init(void)
/* Init UAE CPU core */
/* Init the pairing matrix */
static int pendingInterrupts = 0;
* Reset CPU 68000 variables
void M68000_Reset(bool bCold) {
pendingInterrupts = 0;
if (bCold) {
/* Clear registers, but we need to keep SPCFLAG_MODE_CHANGE and SPCFLAG_BRK unchanged */
int spcFlags = regs.spcflags & (SPCFLAG_MODE_CHANGE | SPCFLAG_BRK);
memset(®s, 0, sizeof(regs));
regs.spcflags = spcFlags;
/* Now reset the WINUAE CPU core */
* Stop 680x0 emulation
void M68000_Stop(void)
* Start 680x0 emulation
void M68000_Start(void)
* Check whether CPU settings have been changed.
void M68000_CheckCpuSettings(void)
if (ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq < 20)
ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq = 16;
else if (ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq < 24)
ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq = 20;
else if (ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq < 32)
ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq = 25;
else if (ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq < 40)
ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq = 33;
} else {
if (ConfigureParams.System.bTurbo) {
ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq = 40;
} else {
ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq = 33;
changed_prefs.cpu_level = ConfigureParams.System.nCpuLevel;
changed_prefs.cpu_compatible = ConfigureParams.System.bCompatibleCpu;
switch (changed_prefs.cpu_level) {
case 0 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68000; break;
case 1 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68010; break;
case 2 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68020; break;
case 3 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68030; break;
case 4 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68040; break;
case 5 : changed_prefs.cpu_model = 68060; break;
default: fprintf (stderr, "Init680x0() : Error, cpu_level unknown\n");
changed_prefs.fpu_model = ConfigureParams.System.n_FPUType;
switch (changed_prefs.fpu_model) {
case 68881: changed_prefs.fpu_revision = 0x1f; break;
case 68882: changed_prefs.fpu_revision = 0x20; break;
case 68040:
if (ConfigureParams.System.bTurbo)
changed_prefs.fpu_revision = 0x41;
changed_prefs.fpu_revision = 0x40;
default: fprintf (stderr, "Init680x0() : Error, fpu_model unknown\n");
changed_prefs.fpu_strict = ConfigureParams.System.bCompatibleFPU;
changed_prefs.mmu_model = ConfigureParams.System.bMMU?changed_prefs.cpu_model:0;
if (table68k)
* BUSERROR - Access outside valid memory range.
* Use bRead = 0 for write errors and bRead = 1 for read errors!
void M68000_BusError(Uint32 addr, bool bRead)
exception2 (addr, bRead, 0, regs.s ? 5 : 1); /* assumes data access,
size not set */
#if 0
void M68000_BusError(Uint32 addr, bool bRead)
/* FIXME: In prefetch mode, m68k_getpc() seems already to point to the next instruction */
// BusErrorPC = M68000_GetPC(); /* [NP] We set BusErrorPC in m68k_run_1 */
if ((regs.spcflags & SPCFLAG_BUSERROR) == 0) /* [NP] Check that the opcode has not already generated a read bus error */
regs.mmu_fault_addr = addr;
BusErrorAddress = addr; /* Store for exception frame */
bBusErrorReadWrite = bRead;
if (currprefs.mmu_model) {
/* This is a hack for the special status word, this needs to be corrected later */
if (ConfigureParams.System.nCpuLevel==3) { /* CPU 68030 */
int fc = 5; /* hack */
regs.mmu_ssw = (fc&1) ? MMU030_SSW_DF : (MMU030_SSW_FB|MMU030_SSW_RB);
regs.mmu_ssw |= bRead ? MMU030_SSW_RW : 0;
regs.mmu_ssw |= fc&MMU030_SSW_FC_MASK;
/*switch (size) {
case 4: regs.mmu_ssw |= MMU030_SSW_SIZE_L; break;
case 2: regs.mmu_ssw |= MMU030_SSW_SIZE_W; break;
case 1: regs.mmu_ssw |= MMU030_SSW_SIZE_B; break;
default: break;
printf("Bus Error: Warning! Using hacked SSW (%04X)!\n", regs.mmu_ssw);
M68000_SetSpecial(SPCFLAG_BUSERROR); /* The exception will be done in newcpu.c */
* Exception handler
void M68000_Exception(Uint32 ExceptionVector , int ExceptionSource)
int exceptionNr = ExceptionVector/4;
if ((ExceptionSource == M68000_EXC_SRC_AUTOVEC)
&& (exceptionNr>24 && exceptionNr<32)) /* 68k autovector interrupt? */
/* Handle autovector interrupts the UAE's way
* (see intlev() and do_specialties() in UAE CPU core) */
int intnr = exceptionNr - 24;
pendingInterrupts |= (1 << intnr);
else /* direct CPU exceptions */
Uint16 SR;
/* Was the CPU stopped, i.e. by a STOP instruction? */
if (regs.spcflags & SPCFLAG_STOP)
regs.stopped = 0;
M68000_UnsetSpecial(SPCFLAG_STOP); /* All is go,go,go! */
/* 68k exceptions are handled by Exception() of the UAE CPU core */
Exception(exceptionNr/*, m68k_getpc(), ExceptionSource*/);
SR = M68000_GetSR();
/* Set Status Register so interrupt can ONLY be stopped by another interrupt
* of higher priority! */
SR = (SR&SR_CLEAR_IPL)|0x0600; /* DSP, level 6 */