Source to src/statusbar.c
Hatari - statusbar.c
This file is distributed under the GNU Public License, version 2 or at
your option any later version. Read the file gpl.txt for details.
Code to draw statusbar area, floppy leds etc.
Use like this:
- Before screen surface is (re-)created Statusbar_SetHeight()
has to be called with the new screen height. Add the returned
value to screen height (zero means no statusbar). After this,
Statusbar_GetHeight() can be used to retrieve the statusbar size
- After screen surface is (re-)created, call Statusbar_Init()
to re-initialize / re-draw the statusbar
- Call Statusbar_SetFloppyLed() to set floppy drive led ON/OFF,
or call Statusbar_EnableHDLed() to enabled HD led for a while
- Whenever screen is redrawn, call Statusbar_Update() to draw the
updated information to the statusbar (outside of screen locking)
- If screen redraws may be partial, Statusbar_OverlayRestore()
needs to be called before locking the screen for drawing and
Statusbar_OverlayBackup() needs to be called after screen unlocking,
but before calling Statusbar_Update(). These are needed for
hiding the overlay drive led when drive leds are turned OFF.
- If other information shown by Statusbar (TOS version etc) changes,
call Statusbar_UpdateInfo()
const char Statusbar_fileid[] = "Hatari statusbar.c : " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
#include <assert.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "sdlgui.h"
#include "statusbar.h"
#include "screen.h"
#include "video.h"
#include "dimension.hpp"
#define DEBUG 0
#define DEBUGPRINT(x) printf x
#define DEBUGPRINT(x)
/* whether drive leds should be ON and their previous shown state */
static struct {
bool state;
bool oldstate;
Uint32 expire; /* when to disable led, valid only if >0 && state=TRUE */
int offset; /* led x-pos on screen */
/* drive leds size & y-pos */
static SDL_Rect LedRect;
/* overlay led size & pos */
static SDL_Rect OverlayLedRect;
/* screen contents left under overlay led */
static SDL_Surface *OverlayUnderside;
static enum {
} bOverlayState;
static SDL_Rect SystemLedRect;
static bool bOldSystemLed;
static SDL_Rect DspLedRect;
static bool bOldDspLed;
static SDL_Rect NdLedRect;
static int nOldNdLed;
/* led colors */
static Uint32 LedColorOn, LedColorOnWP, LedColorOff, SysColorOn, SysColorOff, DspColorOn, DspColorOff;
static Uint32 NdColorOn, NdColorCS8, NdColorOff;
static Uint32 GrayBg, LedColorBg;
#define MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 69
typedef struct msg_item {
struct msg_item *next;
char msg[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN+1];
Uint32 timeout; /* msecs, zero=no timeout */
Uint32 expire; /* when to expire message */
bool shown;
} msg_item_t;
static msg_item_t DefaultMessage;
static msg_item_t *MessageList = &DefaultMessage;
static SDL_Rect MessageRect;
/* screen height above statusbar and height of statusbar below screen */
static int ScreenHeight;
static int StatusbarHeight;
* Return statusbar height for given width and height
int Statusbar_GetHeightForSize(int width, int height)
if (ConfigureParams.Screen.bShowStatusbar) {
/* Should check the same thing as SDLGui_SetScreen()
* does to decide the font size.
if (width >= 640 && height >= (400-24)) {
return 24;
} else {
return 12;
return 0;
* Set screen height used for statusbar height calculation.
* Return height of statusbar that should be added to the screen
* height when screen is (re-)created, or zero if statusbar will
* not be shown
int Statusbar_SetHeight(int width, int height)
ScreenHeight = height;
StatusbarHeight = Statusbar_GetHeightForSize(width, height);
return StatusbarHeight;
* Return height of statusbar set with Statusbar_SetHeight()
int Statusbar_GetHeight(void)
return StatusbarHeight;
* Enable device led, it will be automatically disabled after a while.
void Statusbar_BlinkLed(drive_index_t drive)
/* leds are shown for 1/2 sec after enabling */
Led[drive].expire = SDL_GetTicks() + 1000/2;
Led[drive].state = true;
* Set system, DSP, CPU and NeXTdimension led state, anything enabling led with
* this needs also to take care of disabling it.
void Statusbar_SetSystemLed(bool state) {
bOldSystemLed = state;
void Statusbar_SetDspLed(bool state) {
bOldDspLed = state;
void Statusbar_SetNdLed(int state) {
nOldNdLed = state;
* Set overlay led size/pos on given screen to internal Rect
* and free previous resources.
static void Statusbar_OverlayInit(const SDL_Surface *surf)
int h;
/* led size/pos needs to be re-calculated in case screen changed */
h = surf->h / 50;
OverlayLedRect.w = 2*h;
OverlayLedRect.h = h;
OverlayLedRect.x = surf->w - 5*h/2;
OverlayLedRect.y = h/2;
/* free previous restore surface if it's incompatible */
if (OverlayUnderside &&
OverlayUnderside->w == OverlayLedRect.w &&
OverlayUnderside->h == OverlayLedRect.h &&
OverlayUnderside->format->BitsPerPixel == surf->format->BitsPerPixel) {
OverlayUnderside = NULL;
bOverlayState = OVERLAY_NONE;
* (re-)initialize statusbar internal variables for given screen surface
* (sizes&colors may need to be re-calculated for the new SDL surface)
* and draw the statusbar background.
void Statusbar_Init(SDL_Surface *surf)
msg_item_t *item;
SDL_Rect ledbox, sbarbox;
int i, fontw, fonth, offset;
const char *text[NUM_DEVICE_LEDS] = { "EN:", "MO:", "SD:", "FD:" };
/* dark green and light green for leds themselves */
LedColorOff = SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, 0x00, 0x40, 0x00);
LedColorOn = SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, 0x00, 0xe0, 0x00);
LedColorOnWP = SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, 0xFF, 0xe0, 0x00);
LedColorBg = SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);
SysColorOff = SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00);
SysColorOn = SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00);
DspColorOff = SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40);
DspColorOn = SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0);
NdColorOff = SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40);
NdColorCS8 = SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, 0xe0, 0x00, 0x00);
NdColorOn = SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe0);
GrayBg = SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, 0xb5, 0xb7, 0xaa);
/* disable leds */
for (i = 0; i < NUM_DEVICE_LEDS; i++) {
Led[i].state = Led[i].oldstate = false;
Led[i].expire = 0;
/* disable statusbar if it doesn't fit to video mode */
if (surf->h < ScreenHeight + StatusbarHeight) {
StatusbarHeight = 0;
if (!StatusbarHeight) {
/* prepare fonts */
SDLGui_GetFontSize(&fontw, &fonth);
/* video mode didn't match, need to recalculate sizes */
if (surf->h > ScreenHeight + StatusbarHeight) {
StatusbarHeight = fonth + 2;
/* actually statusbar vertical offset */
ScreenHeight = surf->h - StatusbarHeight;
} else {
assert(fonth+2 < StatusbarHeight);
/* draw statusbar background gray so that text shows */
sbarbox.x = 0;
sbarbox.y = surf->h - StatusbarHeight;
sbarbox.w = surf->w;
sbarbox.h = StatusbarHeight;
SDL_FillRect(surf, &sbarbox, GrayBg);
/* led size */
LedRect.w = fonth/2;
LedRect.h = fonth - 4;
LedRect.y = ScreenHeight + StatusbarHeight/2 - LedRect.h/2;
/* black box for the leds */
ledbox = LedRect;
ledbox.y -= 1;
ledbox.w += 2;
ledbox.h += 2;
offset = fontw;
MessageRect.y = LedRect.y - 2;
/* draw led texts and boxes + calculate box offsets */
for (i = 0; i < NUM_DEVICE_LEDS; i++) {
SDLGui_Text(offset, MessageRect.y, text[i]);
offset += strlen(text[i]) * fontw;
offset += fontw/2;
ledbox.x = offset - 1;
SDL_FillRect(surf, &ledbox, LedColorBg);
LedRect.x = offset;
SDL_FillRect(surf, &LedRect, LedColorOff);
Led[i].offset = offset;
offset += LedRect.w + fontw;
MessageRect.x = offset + fontw;
MessageRect.w = MAX_MESSAGE_LEN * fontw;
MessageRect.h = fonth;
for (item = MessageList; item; item = item->next) {
item->shown = false;
/* draw i860 led box */
NdLedRect = LedRect;
NdLedRect.x = surf->w - 15*fontw - NdLedRect.w;
ledbox.x = NdLedRect.x - 1;
SDLGui_Text(ledbox.x - 3*fontw - fontw/2, MessageRect.y, "ND:");
SDL_FillRect(surf, &ledbox, LedColorBg);
SDL_FillRect(surf, &NdLedRect, NdColorOff);
nOldNdLed = 0;
/* draw dsp led box */
DspLedRect = LedRect;
DspLedRect.x = surf->w - 8*fontw - DspLedRect.w;
ledbox.x = DspLedRect.x - 1;
SDLGui_Text(ledbox.x - 4*fontw - fontw/2, MessageRect.y, "DSP:");
SDL_FillRect(surf, &ledbox, LedColorBg);
SDL_FillRect(surf, &DspLedRect, DspColorOff);
bOldDspLed = false;
/* draw system led box */
SystemLedRect = LedRect;
SystemLedRect.x = surf->w - fontw - SystemLedRect.w;
ledbox.x = SystemLedRect.x - 1;
SDLGui_Text(ledbox.x - 4*fontw - fontw/2, MessageRect.y, "LED:");
SDL_FillRect(surf, &ledbox, LedColorBg);
SDL_FillRect(surf, &SystemLedRect, SysColorOff);
bOldSystemLed = false;
/* and blit statusbar on screen */
SDL_UpdateRects(surf, 1, &sbarbox);
DEBUGPRINT(("Draw statusbar\n"));
* Qeueue new statusbar message 'msg' to be shown for 'msecs' milliseconds
void Statusbar_AddMessage(const char *msg, Uint32 msecs)
msg_item_t *item;
if (!ConfigureParams.Screen.bShowStatusbar) {
/* no sense in queuing messages that aren't shown */
item = calloc(1, sizeof(msg_item_t));
item->next = MessageList;
MessageList = item;
strncpy(item->msg, msg, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN);
item->msg[MAX_MESSAGE_LEN] = '\0';
DEBUGPRINT(("Add message: '%s'\n", item->msg));
if (msecs) {
item->timeout = msecs;
} else {
/* show items by default for 2.5 secs */
item->timeout = 2500;
item->shown = false;
* Write given 'more' string to 'buffer' and return new end of 'buffer'
static char *Statusbar_AddString(char *buffer, const char *more)
while(*more) {
*buffer++ = *more++;
return buffer;
* Retrieve/update default statusbar information
void Statusbar_UpdateInfo(void)
char *end = DefaultMessage.msg;
char memsize[16];
char slot[16];
/* Message for NeXTdimension */
if (ConfigureParams.Screen.nMonitorType==MONITOR_TYPE_DIMENSION) {
end = Statusbar_AddString(end, "33MHz/i860XR/");
sprintf(memsize, "%iMB/",Configuration_CheckDimensionMemory(ConfigureParams.Dimension.board[ConfigureParams.Screen.nMonitorNum].nMemoryBankSize));
end = Statusbar_AddString(end, memsize);
end = Statusbar_AddString(end, "NeXTdimension/");
sprintf(slot, "Slot%i", ND_SLOT(ConfigureParams.Screen.nMonitorNum));
end = Statusbar_AddString(end, slot);
*end = '\0';
assert(end - DefaultMessage.msg < MAX_MESSAGE_LEN);
DefaultMessage.shown = false;
/* CPU MHz */
end = Statusbar_AddString(end, Main_SpeedMsg());
/* CPU type */
if(ConfigureParams.System.nCpuLevel > 0) {
*end++ = '6';
*end++ = '8';
*end++ = '0';
switch (ConfigureParams.System.nCpuLevel) {
case 0: *end++ = '0'; break;
case 1: *end++ = '1'; break;
case 2: *end++ = '2'; break;
case 3: *end++ = '3'; break;
case 4: *end++ = '4'; break;
case 5: *end++ = '6'; break;
default: break;
*end++ = '0';
*end++ = '/';
/* amount of memory */
sprintf(memsize, "%iMB/", Configuration_CheckMemory(ConfigureParams.Memory.nMemoryBankSize));
end = Statusbar_AddString(end, memsize);
/* machine type */
switch (ConfigureParams.System.nMachineType) {
case NEXT_CUBE030:
end = Statusbar_AddString(end, "NeXT Computer");
case NEXT_CUBE040:
end = Statusbar_AddString(end, "NeXTcube");
end = Statusbar_AddString(end, "NeXTstation");
if (ConfigureParams.System.bTurbo) {
end = Statusbar_AddString(end, (ConfigureParams.System.nCpuFreq==40)?" Nitro":" Turbo");
if (ConfigureParams.System.bColor) {
end = Statusbar_AddString(end, " Color");
*end = '\0';
assert(end - DefaultMessage.msg < MAX_MESSAGE_LEN);
DEBUGPRINT(("Set default message: '%s'\n", DefaultMessage.msg));
/* make sure default message gets (re-)drawn when next checked */
DefaultMessage.shown = false;
* Draw 'msg' centered to the message area
static void Statusbar_DrawMessage(SDL_Surface *surf, const char *msg)
int fontw, fonth, offset;
SDL_FillRect(surf, &MessageRect, GrayBg);
if (*msg) {
SDLGui_GetFontSize(&fontw, &fonth);
offset = (MessageRect.w - strlen(msg) * fontw) / 2;
SDLGui_Text(MessageRect.x + offset, MessageRect.y, msg);
SDL_UpdateRects(surf, 1, &MessageRect);
DEBUGPRINT(("Draw message: '%s'\n", msg));
* If message's not shown, show it. If message's timed out,
* remove it and show next one.
static void Statusbar_ShowMessage(SDL_Surface *surf, Uint32 ticks)
msg_item_t *next;
if (MessageList->shown) {
if (!MessageList->expire) {
/* last/default message never expires */
if (MessageList->expire > ticks) {
/* not timed out yet */
assert(MessageList->next); /* last message shouldn't end here */
next = MessageList->next;
MessageList = next;
/* make sure next message gets shown */
MessageList->shown = false;
if (!MessageList->shown) {
/* not shown yet, show */
Statusbar_DrawMessage(surf, MessageList->msg);
if (MessageList->timeout && !MessageList->expire) {
MessageList->expire = ticks + MessageList->timeout;
MessageList->shown = true;
* Save the area that will be left under overlay led
void Statusbar_OverlayBackup(SDL_Surface *surf)
if ((StatusbarHeight && ConfigureParams.Screen.bShowStatusbar)
|| !ConfigureParams.Screen.bShowDriveLed) {
/* overlay not used with statusbar */
if (!OverlayUnderside) {
SDL_Surface *bak;
SDL_PixelFormat *fmt = surf->format;
bak = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(surf->flags,
OverlayLedRect.w, OverlayLedRect.h,
fmt->Rmask, fmt->Gmask, fmt->Bmask,
OverlayUnderside = bak;
SDL_BlitSurface(surf, &OverlayLedRect, OverlayUnderside, NULL);
* Restore the area left under overlay led
void Statusbar_OverlayRestore(SDL_Surface *surf)
if ((StatusbarHeight && ConfigureParams.Screen.bShowStatusbar)
|| !ConfigureParams.Screen.bShowDriveLed) {
/* overlay not used with statusbar */
if (bOverlayState == OVERLAY_DRAWN && OverlayUnderside) {
SDL_BlitSurface(OverlayUnderside, NULL, surf, &OverlayLedRect);
/* this will make the draw function to update this the screen */
* Draw overlay led
static void Statusbar_OverlayDrawLed(SDL_Surface *surf, Uint32 color)
SDL_Rect rect;
if (bOverlayState == OVERLAY_DRAWN) {
/* some led already drawn */
bOverlayState = OVERLAY_DRAWN;
/* enabled led with border */
rect = OverlayLedRect;
rect.x += 1;
rect.y += 1;
rect.w -= 2;
rect.h -= 2;
SDL_FillRect(surf, &OverlayLedRect, LedColorBg);
SDL_FillRect(surf, &rect, color);
* Draw overlay led onto screen surface if any drives are enabled.
static void Statusbar_OverlayDraw(SDL_Surface *surf)
Uint32 currentticks = SDL_GetTicks();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_DEVICE_LEDS; i++) {
if (Led[i].state) {
if (Led[i].expire && Led[i].expire < currentticks) {
Led[i].state = false;
Statusbar_OverlayDrawLed(surf, ConfigureParams.SCSI.nWriteProtection == WRITEPROT_ON && i == DEVICE_LED_SCSI ? LedColorOnWP : LedColorOn);
/* possible state transitions:
* Other than NONE state needs to be updated on screen
switch (bOverlayState) {
bOverlayState = OVERLAY_NONE;
SDL_UpdateRects(surf, 1, &OverlayLedRect);
DEBUGPRINT(("Overlay LED = %s\n", bOverlayState==OVERLAY_DRAWN?"ON":"OFF"));
* Update statusbar information (leds etc) if/when needed.
* May not be called when screen is locked (SDL limitation).
void Statusbar_Update(SDL_Surface *surf) {
Uint32 color, currentticks;
SDL_Rect rect;
int i;
if (!(StatusbarHeight && ConfigureParams.Screen.bShowStatusbar)) {
/* not enabled (anymore), show overlay led instead? */
if (ConfigureParams.Screen.bShowDriveLed) {
/* Statusbar_Init() not called before this? */
assert(surf->h == ScreenHeight + StatusbarHeight);
rect = LedRect;
currentticks = SDL_GetTicks();
for (i = 0; i < NUM_DEVICE_LEDS; i++) {
if (Led[i].expire && Led[i].expire < currentticks) {
Led[i].state = false;
if (Led[i].state == Led[i].oldstate) {
Led[i].oldstate = Led[i].state;
if (Led[i].state) {
color = ConfigureParams.SCSI.nWriteProtection == WRITEPROT_ON && i == DEVICE_LED_SCSI ? LedColorOnWP : LedColorOn;
} else {
color = LedColorOff;
rect.x = Led[i].offset;
SDL_FillRect(surf, &rect, color);
SDL_UpdateRects(surf, 1, &rect);
Statusbar_ShowMessage(surf, currentticks);
/* Draw dsp LED */
if (bOldDspLed) {
color = DspColorOn;
} else {
color = DspColorOff;
SDL_FillRect(surf, &DspLedRect, color);
SDL_UpdateRects(surf, 1, &DspLedRect);
/* Draw scr2 LED */
if (bOldSystemLed) {
color = SysColorOn;
} else {
color = SysColorOff;
SDL_FillRect(surf, &SystemLedRect, color);
SDL_UpdateRects(surf, 1, &SystemLedRect);
/* Draw NeXTdimension LED */
switch(nOldNdLed) {
case 0: color = NdColorOff; break;
case 1: color = NdColorCS8; break;
case 2: color = NdColorOn; break;
default: color = NdColorOff; break;
SDL_FillRect(surf, &NdLedRect, color);
SDL_UpdateRects(surf, 1, &NdLedRect);