Source to 321/null/vid_null.c

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// vid_null.c -- null video driver to aid porting efforts
// this assumes that one of the refs is statically linked to the executable

#include "../client/client.h"

viddef_t	viddef;				// global video state

refexport_t	re;

refexport_t GetRefAPI (refimport_t rimp);




#define	MAXPRINTMSG	4096
void VID_Printf (int print_level, char *fmt, ...)
        va_list		argptr;
        char		msg[MAXPRINTMSG];

        va_start (argptr,fmt);
        vsprintf (msg,fmt,argptr);
        va_end (argptr);

        if (print_level == PRINT_ALL)
                Com_Printf ("%s", msg);
                Com_DPrintf ("%s", msg);

void VID_Error (int err_level, char *fmt, ...)
        va_list		argptr;
        char		msg[MAXPRINTMSG];

        va_start (argptr,fmt);
        vsprintf (msg,fmt,argptr);
        va_end (argptr);

		Com_Error (err_level, "%s", msg);

void VID_NewWindow (int width, int height)
        viddef.width = width;
        viddef.height = height;

** VID_GetModeInfo
typedef struct vidmode_s
    const char *description;
    int         width, height;
    int         mode;
} vidmode_t;

vidmode_t vid_modes[] =
    { "Mode 0: 320x240",   320, 240,   0 },
    { "Mode 1: 400x300",   400, 300,   1 },
    { "Mode 2: 512x384",   512, 384,   2 },
    { "Mode 3: 640x480",   640, 480,   3 },
    { "Mode 4: 800x600",   800, 600,   4 },
    { "Mode 5: 960x720",   960, 720,   5 },
    { "Mode 6: 1024x768",  1024, 768,  6 },
    { "Mode 7: 1152x864",  1152, 864,  7 },
    { "Mode 8: 1280x960",  1280, 960, 8 },
    { "Mode 9: 1600x1200", 1600, 1200, 9 },
	{ "Mode 10: 2048x1536", 2048, 1536, 10 }
#define VID_NUM_MODES ( sizeof( vid_modes ) / sizeof( vid_modes[0] ) )

qboolean VID_GetModeInfo( int *width, int *height, int mode )
    if ( mode < 0 || mode >= VID_NUM_MODES )
        return false;

    *width  = vid_modes[mode].width;
    *height = vid_modes[mode].height;

    return true;

void	VID_Init (void)
    refimport_t	ri;

    viddef.width = 320;
    viddef.height = 240;

    ri.Cmd_AddCommand = Cmd_AddCommand;
    ri.Cmd_RemoveCommand = Cmd_RemoveCommand;
    ri.Cmd_Argc = Cmd_Argc;
    ri.Cmd_Argv = Cmd_Argv;
    ri.Cmd_ExecuteText = Cbuf_ExecuteText;
    ri.Con_Printf = VID_Printf;
    ri.Sys_Error = VID_Error;
    ri.FS_LoadFile = FS_LoadFile;
    ri.FS_FreeFile = FS_FreeFile;
    ri.FS_Gamedir = FS_Gamedir;
	ri.Vid_NewWindow = VID_NewWindow;
    ri.Cvar_Get = Cvar_Get;
    ri.Cvar_Set = Cvar_Set;
    ri.Cvar_SetValue = Cvar_SetValue;
    ri.Vid_GetModeInfo = VID_GetModeInfo;

    re = GetRefAPI(ri);

    if (re.api_version != API_VERSION)
        Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "Re has incompatible api_version");
        // call the init function
    if (re.Init (NULL, NULL) == -1)
		Com_Error (ERR_FATAL, "Couldn't start refresh");

void	VID_Shutdown (void)
    if (re.Shutdown)
	    re.Shutdown ();

void	VID_CheckChanges (void)

void	VID_MenuInit (void)

void	VID_MenuDraw (void)