Source to src/identify.c
* UAE - The Un*x Amiga Emulator
* Routines for labelling amiga internals.
#include "sysconfig.h"
#include "sysdeps.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "identify.h"
struct mem_labels int_labels[] =
{ "Reset:SSP", 0x0000 },
{ "EXECBASE", 0x0004 },
{ "BUS ERROR", 0x0008 },
{ "ADR ERROR", 0x000C },
{ "ILLEG OPC", 0x0010 },
{ "DIV BY 0", 0x0014 },
{ "CHK", 0x0018 },
{ "TRAPV", 0x001C },
{ "PRIVIL VIO", 0x0020 },
{ "TRACE", 0x0024 },
{ "LINEA EMU", 0x0028 },
{ "LINEF EMU", 0x002C },
{ "INT Uninit", 0x003C },
{ "INT Unjust", 0x0060 },
{ "Lvl 1 Int", 0x0064 },
{ "Lvl 2 Int", 0x0068 },
{ "Lvl 3 Int", 0x006C },
{ "Lvl 4 Int", 0x0070 },
{ "Lvl 5 Int", 0x0074 },
{ "Lvl 6 Int", 0x0078 },
{ "NMI", 0x007C },
{ 0, 0 }
struct mem_labels trap_labels[] =
{ "TRAP 00", 0x0080 },
{ "TRAP 01", 0x0084 },
{ "TRAP 02", 0x0088 },
{ "TRAP 03", 0x008C },
{ "TRAP 04", 0x0090 },
{ "TRAP 05", 0x0094 },
{ "TRAP 06", 0x0098 },
{ "TRAP 07", 0x009C },
{ "TRAP 08", 0x00A0 },
{ "TRAP 09", 0x00A4 },
{ "TRAP 10", 0x00A8 },
{ "TRAP 11", 0x00AC },
{ "TRAP 12", 0x00B0 },
{ "TRAP 13", 0x00B4 },
{ "TRAP 14", 0x00B8 },
{ "TRAP 15", 0x00BC },
{ 0, 0 }
struct mem_labels mem_labels[] =
{ "CIAB PRA", 0xBFD000 },
{ "CIAB PRB", 0xBFD100 },
{ "CIAB DDRA", 0xBFD200 },
{ "CIAB DDRB", 0xBFD300 },
{ "CIAB TALO", 0xBFD400 },
{ "CIAB TAHI", 0xBFD500 },
{ "CIAB TBLO", 0xBFD600 },
{ "CIAB TBHI", 0xBFD700 },
{ "CIAB TDLO", 0xBFD800 },
{ "CIAB TDMD", 0xBFD900 },
{ "CIAB TDHI", 0xBFDA00 },
{ "CIAB SDR", 0xBFDC00 },
{ "CIAB ICR", 0xBFDD00 },
{ "CIAB CRA", 0xBFDE00 },
{ "CIAB CRB", 0xBFDF00 },
{ "CIAA PRA", 0xBFE001 },
{ "CIAA PRB", 0xBFE101 },
{ "CIAA DDRA", 0xBFE201 },
{ "CIAA DDRB", 0xBFE301 },
{ "CIAA TALO", 0xBFE401 },
{ "CIAA TAHI", 0xBFE501 },
{ "CIAA TBLO", 0xBFE601 },
{ "CIAA TBHI", 0xBFE701 },
{ "CIAA TDLO", 0xBFE801 },
{ "CIAA TDMD", 0xBFE901 },
{ "CIAA TDHI", 0xBFEA01 },
{ "CIAA SDR", 0xBFEC01 },
{ "CIAA ICR", 0xBFED01 },
{ "CIAA CRA", 0xBFEE01 },
{ "CIAA CRB", 0xBFEF01 },
{ "CLK S1", 0xDC0000 },
{ "CLK S10", 0xDC0004 },
{ "CLK MI1", 0xDC0008 },
{ "CLK MI10", 0xDC000C },
{ "CLK H1", 0xDC0010 },
{ "CLK H10", 0xDC0014 },
{ "CLK D1", 0xDC0018 },
{ "CLK D10", 0xDC001C },
{ "CLK MO1", 0xDC0020 },
{ "CLK MO10", 0xDC0024 },
{ "CLK Y1", 0xDC0028 },
{ "CLK Y10", 0xDC002E },
{ "CLK WEEK", 0xDC0030 },
{ "CLK CD", 0xDC0034 },
{ "CLK CE", 0xDC0038 },
{ "CLK CF", 0xDC003C },
{ NULL, 0 }
/* This table was generated from the list of AGA chip names in
* available on aminet. It could well have errors in it. */
struct customData custd[] =
#if 0
{ "BLTDDAT", 0xdff000 }, /* Blitter dest. early read (dummy address) */
{ "DMACONR", 0xdff002, 1, 0 }, /* Dma control (and blitter status) read */
{ "VPOSR", 0xdff004, 1, 0 }, /* Read vert most sig. bits (and frame flop */
{ "VHPOSR", 0xdff006, 1, 0 }, /* Read vert and horiz position of beam */
#if 0
{ "DSKDATR", 0xdff008 }, /* Disk data early read (dummy address) */
{ "JOY0DAT", 0xdff00A, 1, 0 }, /* Joystick-mouse 0 data (vert,horiz) */
{ "JOT1DAT", 0xdff00C, 1, 0 }, /* Joystick-mouse 1 data (vert,horiz) */
{ "CLXDAT", 0xdff00E, 1, 0 }, /* Collision data reg. (read and clear) */
{ "ADKCONR", 0xdff010, 1, 0 }, /* Audio,disk control register read */
{ "POT0DAT", 0xdff012, 1, 0 }, /* Pot counter pair 0 data (vert,horiz) */
{ "POT1DAT", 0xdff014, 1, 0 }, /* Pot counter pair 1 data (vert,horiz) */
{ "POTGOR", 0xdff016, 1, 0 }, /* Pot pin data read */
{ "SERDATR", 0xdff018, 1, 0 }, /* Serial port data and status read */
{ "DSKBYTR", 0xdff01A, 1, 0 }, /* Disk data byte and status read */
{ "INTENAR", 0xdff01C, 1, 0 }, /* Interrupt enable bits read */
{ "INTREQR", 0xdff01E, 1, 0 }, /* Interrupt request bits read */
{ "DSKPTH", 0xdff020, 2, 1 }, /* Disk pointer (high 5 bits) */
{ "DSKPTL", 0xdff022, 2, 2 }, /* Disk pointer (low 15 bits) */
{ "DSKLEN", 0xdff024, 2, 0 }, /* Disk lentgh */
#if 0
{ "DSKDAT", 0xdff026 }, /* Disk DMA data write */
{ "REFPTR", 0xdff028 }, /* Refresh pointer */
{ "VPOSW", 0xdff02A, 2, 0 }, /* Write vert most sig. bits(and frame flop) */
{ "VHPOSW", 0xdff02C, 2, 0 }, /* Write vert and horiz pos of beam */
{ "COPCON", 0xdff02e, 2, 0 }, /* Coprocessor control reg (CDANG) */
{ "SERDAT", 0xdff030, 2, 0 }, /* Serial port data and stop bits write */
{ "SERPER", 0xdff032, 2, 0 }, /* Serial port period and control */
{ "POTGO", 0xdff034, 2, 0 }, /* Pot count start,pot pin drive enable data */
{ "JOYTEST", 0xdff036, 2, 0 }, /* Write to all 4 joystick-mouse counters at once */
{ "STREQU", 0xdff038, 2, 0 }, /* Strobe for horiz sync with VB and EQU */
{ "STRVBL", 0xdff03A, 2, 0 }, /* Strobe for horiz sync with VB (vert blank) */
{ "STRHOR", 0xdff03C, 2, 0 }, /* Strobe for horiz sync */
{ "STRLONG", 0xdff03E, 2, 0 }, /* Strobe for identification of long horiz line */
{ "BLTCON0", 0xdff040, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter control reg 0 */
{ "BLTCON1", 0xdff042, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter control reg 1 */
{ "BLTAFWM", 0xdff044, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter first word mask for source A */
{ "BLTALWM", 0xdff046, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter last word mask for source A */
{ "BLTCPTH", 0xdff048, 2, 1 }, /* Blitter pointer to source C (high 5 bits) */
{ "BLTCPTL", 0xdff04A, 2, 2 }, /* Blitter pointer to source C (low 15 bits) */
{ "BLTBPTH", 0xdff04C, 2, 1 }, /* Blitter pointer to source B (high 5 bits) */
{ "BLTBPTL", 0xdff04E, 2, 2 }, /* Blitter pointer to source B (low 15 bits) */
{ "BLTAPTH", 0xdff050, 2, 1 }, /* Blitter pointer to source A (high 5 bits) */
{ "BLTAPTL", 0xdff052, 2, 2 }, /* Blitter pointer to source A (low 15 bits) */
{ "BPTDPTH", 0xdff054, 2, 1 }, /* Blitter pointer to destn D (high 5 bits) */
{ "BLTDPTL", 0xdff056, 2, 2 }, /* Blitter pointer to destn D (low 15 bits) */
{ "BLTSIZE", 0xdff058, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter start and size (win/width,height) */
{ "BLTCON0L", 0xdff05A, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter control 0 lower 8 bits (minterms) */
{ "BLTSIZV", 0xdff05C, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter V size (for 15 bit vert size) */
{ "BLTSIZH", 0xdff05E, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter H size & start (for 11 bit H size) */
{ "BLTCMOD", 0xdff060, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter modulo for source C */
{ "BLTBMOD", 0xdff062, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter modulo for source B */
{ "BLTAMOD", 0xdff064, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter modulo for source A */
{ "BLTDMOD", 0xdff066, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter modulo for destn D */
#if 0
{ "Unknown", 0xdff068 }, /* Unknown or Unused */
{ "Unknown", 0xdff06a }, /* Unknown or Unused */
{ "Unknown", 0xdff06c }, /* Unknown or Unused */
{ "Unknown", 0xdff06e }, /* Unknown or Unused */
{ "BLTCDAT", 0xdff070, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter source C data reg */
{ "BLTBDAT", 0xdff072, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter source B data reg */
{ "BLTADAT", 0xdff074, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter source A data reg */
{ "BLTDDAT", 0xdff076, 2, 0 }, /* Blitter destination reg */
#if 0
{ "SPRHDAT", 0xdff078 }, /* Ext logic UHRES sprite pointer and data identifier */
{ "BPLHDAT", 0xdff07A }, /* Ext logic UHRES bit plane identifier */
{ "LISAID", 0xdff07C, 1, 0 }, /* Chip revision level for Denise/Lisa */
{ "DSKSYNC", 0xdff07E, 2, 0 }, /* Disk sync pattern reg for disk read */
{ "COP1LCH", 0xdff080, 2, 1 }, /* Coprocessor first location reg (high 5 bits) */
{ "COP1LCL", 0xdff082, 2, 2 }, /* Coprocessor first location reg (low 15 bits) */
{ "COP2LCH", 0xdff084, 2, 1 }, /* Coprocessor second reg (high 5 bits) */
{ "COP2LCL", 0xdff086, 2, 2 }, /* Coprocessor second reg (low 15 bits) */
{ "COPJMP1", 0xdff088, 2, 0 }, /* Coprocessor restart at first location */
{ "COPJMP2", 0xdff08A, 2, 0 }, /* Coprocessor restart at second location */
#if 0
{ "COPINS", 0xdff08C }, /* Coprocessor inst fetch identify */
{ "DIWSTRT", 0xdff08E, 2, 0 }, /* Display window start (upper left vert-hor pos) */
{ "DIWSTOP", 0xdff090, 2, 0 }, /* Display window stop (lower right vert-hor pos) */
{ "DDFSTRT", 0xdff092, 2, 0 }, /* Display bit plane data fetch start.hor pos */
{ "DDFSTOP", 0xdff094, 2, 0 }, /* Display bit plane data fetch stop.hor pos */
{ "DMACON", 0xdff096, 2, 0 }, /* DMA control write (clear or set) */
{ "CLXCON", 0xdff098, 2, 0 }, /* Collision control */
{ "INTENA", 0xdff09A, 2, 0 }, /* Interrupt enable bits (clear or set bits) */
{ "INTREQ", 0xdff09C, 2, 0 }, /* Interrupt request bits (clear or set bits) */
{ "ADKCON", 0xdff09E, 2, 0 }, /* Audio,disk,UART,control */
{ "AUD0LCH", 0xdff0A0, 2, 1 }, /* Audio channel 0 location (high 5 bits) */
{ "AUD0LCL", 0xdff0A2, 2, 2 }, /* Audio channel 0 location (low 15 bits) */
{ "AUD0LEN", 0xdff0A4, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 0 lentgh */
{ "AUD0PER", 0xdff0A6, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 0 period */
{ "AUD0VOL", 0xdff0A8, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 0 volume */
{ "AUD0DAT", 0xdff0AA, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 0 data */
#if 0
{ "Unknown", 0xdff0AC }, /* Unknown or Unused */
{ "Unknown", 0xdff0AE }, /* Unknown or Unused */
{ "AUD1LCH", 0xdff0B0, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 1 location (high 5 bits) */
{ "AUD1LCL", 0xdff0B2, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 1 location (low 15 bits) */
{ "AUD1LEN", 0xdff0B4, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 1 lentgh */
{ "AUD1PER", 0xdff0B6, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 1 period */
{ "AUD1VOL", 0xdff0B8, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 1 volume */
{ "AUD1DAT", 0xdff0BA, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 1 data */
#if 0
{ "Unknown", 0xdff0BC }, /* Unknown or Unused */
{ "Unknown", 0xdff0BE }, /* Unknown or Unused */
{ "AUD2LCH", 0xdff0C0, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 2 location (high 5 bits) */
{ "AUD2LCL", 0xdff0C2, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 2 location (low 15 bits) */
{ "AUD2LEN", 0xdff0C4, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 2 lentgh */
{ "AUD2PER", 0xdff0C6, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 2 period */
{ "AUD2VOL", 0xdff0C8, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 2 volume */
{ "AUD2DAT", 0xdff0CA, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 2 data */
#if 0
{ "Unknown", 0xdff0CC }, /* Unknown or Unused */
{ "Unknown", 0xdff0CE }, /* Unknown or Unused */
{ "AUD3LCH", 0xdff0D0, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 3 location (high 5 bits) */
{ "AUD3LCL", 0xdff0D2, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 3 location (low 15 bits) */
{ "AUD3LEN", 0xdff0D4, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 3 lentgh */
{ "AUD3PER", 0xdff0D6, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 3 period */
{ "AUD3VOL", 0xdff0D8, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 3 volume */
{ "AUD3DAT", 0xdff0DA, 2, 0 }, /* Audio channel 3 data */
#if 0
{ "Unknown", 0xdff0DC }, /* Unknown or Unused */
{ "Unknown", 0xdff0DE }, /* Unknown or Unused */
{ "BPL1PTH", 0xdff0E0, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 1 (high 5 bits) */
{ "BPL1PTL", 0xdff0E2, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 1 (low 15 bits) */
{ "BPL2PTH", 0xdff0E4, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 2 (high 5 bits) */
{ "BPL2PTL", 0xdff0E6, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 2 (low 15 bits) */
{ "BPL3PTH", 0xdff0E8, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 3 (high 5 bits) */
{ "BPL3PTL", 0xdff0EA, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 3 (low 15 bits) */
{ "BPL4PTH", 0xdff0EC, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 4 (high 5 bits) */
{ "BPL4PTL", 0xdff0EE, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 4 (low 15 bits) */
{ "BPL5PTH", 0xdff0F0, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 5 (high 5 bits) */
{ "BPL5PTL", 0xdff0F2, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 5 (low 15 bits) */
{ "BPL6PTH", 0xdff0F4, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 6 (high 5 bits) */
{ "BPL6PTL", 0xdff0F6, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 6 (low 15 bits) */
{ "BPL7PTH", 0xdff0F8, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 7 (high 5 bits) */
{ "BPL7PTL", 0xdff0FA, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 7 (low 15 bits) */
{ "BPL8PTH", 0xdff0FC, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 8 (high 5 bits) */
{ "BPL8PTL", 0xdff0FE, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane pointer 8 (low 15 bits) */
{ "BPLCON0", 0xdff100, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane control reg (misc control bits) */
{ "BPLCON1", 0xdff102, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane control reg (scroll val PF1,PF2) */
{ "BPLCON2", 0xdff104, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane control reg (priority control) */
{ "BPLCON3", 0xdff106, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane control reg (enhanced features) */
{ "BPL1MOD", 0xdff108, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane modulo (odd planes,or active- fetch lines if bitplane scan-doubling is enabled */
{ "BPL2MOD", 0xdff10A, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane modulo (even planes or inactive- fetch lines if bitplane scan-doubling is enabled */
{ "BPLCON4", 0xdff10C, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane control reg (bitplane and sprite masks) */
{ "CLXCON2", 0xdff10e, 2, 0 }, /* Extended collision control reg */
{ "BPL1DAT", 0xdff110, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane 1 data (parallel to serial con- vert) */
{ "BPL2DAT", 0xdff112, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane 2 data (parallel to serial con- vert) */
{ "BPL3DAT", 0xdff114, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane 3 data (parallel to serial con- vert) */
{ "BPL4DAT", 0xdff116, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane 4 data (parallel to serial con- vert) */
{ "BPL5DAT", 0xdff118, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane 5 data (parallel to serial con- vert) */
{ "BPL6DAT", 0xdff11a, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane 6 data (parallel to serial con- vert) */
{ "BPL7DAT", 0xdff11c, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane 7 data (parallel to serial con- vert) */
{ "BPL8DAT", 0xdff11e, 2, 0 }, /* Bit plane 8 data (parallel to serial con- vert) */
{ "SPR0PTH", 0xdff120, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 0 pointer (high 5 bits) */
{ "SPR0PTL", 0xdff122, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 0 pointer (low 15 bits) */
{ "SPR1PTH", 0xdff124, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 1 pointer (high 5 bits) */
{ "SPR1PTL", 0xdff126, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 1 pointer (low 15 bits) */
{ "SPR2PTH", 0xdff128, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 2 pointer (high 5 bits) */
{ "SPR2PTL", 0xdff12A, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 2 pointer (low 15 bits) */
{ "SPR3PTH", 0xdff12C, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 3 pointer (high 5 bits) */
{ "SPR3PTL", 0xdff12E, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 3 pointer (low 15 bits) */
{ "SPR4PTH", 0xdff130, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 4 pointer (high 5 bits) */
{ "SPR4PTL", 0xdff132, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 4 pointer (low 15 bits) */
{ "SPR5PTH", 0xdff134, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 5 pointer (high 5 bits) */
{ "SPR5PTL", 0xdff136, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 5 pointer (low 15 bits) */
{ "SPR6PTH", 0xdff138, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 6 pointer (high 5 bits) */
{ "SPR6PTL", 0xdff13A, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 6 pointer (low 15 bits) */
{ "SPR7PTH", 0xdff13C, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 7 pointer (high 5 bits) */
{ "SPR7PTL", 0xdff13E, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 7 pointer (low 15 bits) */
{ "SPR0POS", 0xdff140, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 0 vert-horiz start pos data */
{ "SPR0CTL", 0xdff142, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 0 position and control data */
{ "SPR0DATA", 0xdff144, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 0 image data register A */
{ "SPR0DATB", 0xdff146, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 0 image data register B */
{ "SPR1POS", 0xdff148, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 1 vert-horiz start pos data */
{ "SPR1CTL", 0xdff14A, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 1 position and control data */
{ "SPR1DATA", 0xdff14C, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 1 image data register A */
{ "SPR1DATB", 0xdff14E, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 1 image data register B */
{ "SPR2POS", 0xdff150, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 2 vert-horiz start pos data */
{ "SPR2CTL", 0xdff152, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 2 position and control data */
{ "SPR2DATA", 0xdff154, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 2 image data register A */
{ "SPR2DATB", 0xdff156, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 2 image data register B */
{ "SPR3POS", 0xdff158, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 3 vert-horiz start pos data */
{ "SPR3CTL", 0xdff15A, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 3 position and control data */
{ "SPR3DATA", 0xdff15C, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 3 image data register A */
{ "SPR3DATB", 0xdff15E, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 3 image data register B */
{ "SPR4POS", 0xdff160, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 4 vert-horiz start pos data */
{ "SPR4CTL", 0xdff162, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 4 position and control data */
{ "SPR4DATA", 0xdff164, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 4 image data register A */
{ "SPR4DATB", 0xdff166, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 4 image data register B */
{ "SPR5POS", 0xdff168, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 5 vert-horiz start pos data */
{ "SPR5CTL", 0xdff16A, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 5 position and control data */
{ "SPR5DATA", 0xdff16C, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 5 image data register A */
{ "SPR5DATB", 0xdff16E, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 5 image data register B */
{ "SPR6POS", 0xdff170, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 6 vert-horiz start pos data */
{ "SPR6CTL", 0xdff172, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 6 position and control data */
{ "SPR6DATA", 0xdff174, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 6 image data register A */
{ "SPR6DATB", 0xdff176, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 6 image data register B */
{ "SPR7POS", 0xdff178, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 7 vert-horiz start pos data */
{ "SPR7CTL", 0xdff17A, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 7 position and control data */
{ "SPR7DATA", 0xdff17C, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 7 image data register A */
{ "SPR7DATB", 0xdff17E, 2, 0 }, /* Sprite 7 image data register B */
{ "COLOR00", 0xdff180, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 00 */
{ "COLOR01", 0xdff182, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 01 */
{ "COLOR02", 0xdff184, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 02 */
{ "COLOR03", 0xdff186, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 03 */
{ "COLOR04", 0xdff188, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 04 */
{ "COLOR05", 0xdff18A, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 05 */
{ "COLOR06", 0xdff18C, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 06 */
{ "COLOR07", 0xdff18E, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 07 */
{ "COLOR08", 0xdff190, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 08 */
{ "COLOR09", 0xdff192, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 09 */
{ "COLOR10", 0xdff194, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 10 */
{ "COLOR11", 0xdff196, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 11 */
{ "COLOR12", 0xdff198, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 12 */
{ "COLOR13", 0xdff19A, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 13 */
{ "COLOR14", 0xdff19C, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 14 */
{ "COLOR15", 0xdff19E, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 15 */
{ "COLOR16", 0xdff1A0, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 16 */
{ "COLOR17", 0xdff1A2, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 17 */
{ "COLOR18", 0xdff1A4, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 18 */
{ "COLOR19", 0xdff1A6, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 19 */
{ "COLOR20", 0xdff1A8, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 20 */
{ "COLOR21", 0xdff1AA, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 21 */
{ "COLOR22", 0xdff1AC, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 22 */
{ "COLOR23", 0xdff1AE, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 23 */
{ "COLOR24", 0xdff1B0, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 24 */
{ "COLOR25", 0xdff1B2, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 25 */
{ "COLOR26", 0xdff1B4, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 26 */
{ "COLOR27", 0xdff1B6, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 27 */
{ "COLOR28", 0xdff1B8, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 28 */
{ "COLOR29", 0xdff1BA, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 29 */
{ "COLOR30", 0xdff1BC, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 30 */
{ "COLOR31", 0xdff1BE, 2, 0 }, /* Color table 31 */
{ "HTOTAL", 0xdff1C0, 2, 0 }, /* Highest number count in horiz line (VARBEAMEN = 1) */
{ "HSSTOP", 0xdff1C2, 2, 0 }, /* Horiz line pos for HSYNC stop */
{ "HBSTRT", 0xdff1C4, 2, 0 }, /* Horiz line pos for HBLANK start */
{ "HBSTOP", 0xdff1C6, 2, 0 }, /* Horiz line pos for HBLANK stop */
{ "VTOTAL", 0xdff1C8, 2, 0 }, /* Highest numbered vertical line (VARBEAMEN = 1) */
{ "VSSTOP", 0xdff1CA, 2, 0 }, /* Vert line for VBLANK start */
{ "VBSTRT", 0xdff1CC, 2, 0 }, /* Vert line for VBLANK start */
{ "VBSTOP", 0xdff1CE, 2, 0 }, /* Vert line for VBLANK stop */
#if 0
{ "SPRHSTRT", 0xdff1D0 }, /* UHRES sprite vertical start */
{ "SPRHSTOP", 0xdff1D2 }, /* UHRES sprite vertical stop */
{ "BPLHSTRT", 0xdff1D4 }, /* UHRES bit plane vertical stop */
{ "BPLHSTOP", 0xdff1D6 }, /* UHRES bit plane vertical stop */
{ "HHPOSW", 0xdff1D8 }, /* DUAL mode hires H beam counter write */
{ "HHPOSR", 0xdff1DA }, /* DUAL mode hires H beam counter read */
{ "BEAMCON0", 0xdff1DC, 2, 0 }, /* Beam counter control register (SHRES,UHRES,PAL) */
{ "HSSTRT", 0xdff1DE, 2, 0 }, /* Horizontal sync start (VARHSY) */
{ "VSSTRT", 0xdff1E0, 2, 0 }, /* Vertical sync start (VARVSY) */
{ "HCENTER", 0xdff1E2, 2, 0 }, /* Horizontal pos for vsync on interlace */
{ "DIWHIGH", 0xdff1E4, 2, 0 }, /* Display window upper bits for start/stop */
#if 0
{ "BPLHMOD", 0xdff1E6 }, /* UHRES bit plane modulo */
{ "SPRHPTH", 0xdff1E8 }, /* UHRES sprite pointer (high 5 bits) */
{ "SPRHPTL", 0xdff1EA }, /* UHRES sprite pointer (low 15 bits) */
{ "BPLHPTH", 0xdff1EC }, /* VRam (UHRES) bitplane pointer (hi 5 bits) */
{ "BPLHPTL", 0xdff1EE }, /* VRam (UHRES) bitplane pointer (lo 15 bits) */
{ "RESERVED", 0xdff1F0 }, /* Reserved (forever i guess!) */
{ "RESERVED", 0xdff1F2 }, /* Reserved (forever i guess!) */
{ "RESERVED", 0xdff1F4 }, /* Reserved (forever i guess!) */
{ "RESERVED", 0xdff1F6 }, /* Reserved (forever i guess!) */
{ "RESERVED", 0xdff1F8 }, /* Reserved (forever i guess!) */
{ "RESERVED", 0xdff1Fa }, /* Reserved (forever i guess!) */
{ "FMODE", 0xdff1FC, 2, 0 }, /* Fetch mode register */
#if 0
{ "NO-OP(NULL)", 0xdff1FE }, /* Can also indicate last 2 or 3 refresh
cycles or the restart of the COPPER after lockup.*/